## lua2json `lua2json` is a simple tool to convert Lua tables to JSON. It reads *lines* from `stdin` and writes to `stdout`. It consumes tables in `serpent` format, which is also the input format for literal tables in the Lua language. e.g., given a line containing: ```lua {foo = "bar", baz = { qux = "quux" }} ``` ..it will print: ```json {"foo":"bar","baz":{"qux":"quux"}} ``` This is quite similar to: ```lua json=require "json" for s in io.open("/dev/stdin", "r"):read("a"):gmatch("[^\n]+") do load("g="..s)() print(json.encode(g)) end ``` ...except it doesn't execute arbitrary code (and it happens to be 6x faster and order-preserving, but if you care about that, you probably need help.) The behaviour on mixed dict/arrays is MADE UP. If you have a usecase, please raise an issue. ### License MIT / Apache-2.0