use lucia_lang::{objects::IntoValue, *}; use std::time::Instant; macro_rules! run { ($input:expr $(,)?) => {{ let mut lucia = context::Lucia::new(); lucia.run_code(compiler::code::Code::try_from($input).unwrap()) }}; } macro_rules! run_check_value { ($input:expr, $value:expr $(,)?) => {{ let mut lucia = context::Lucia::new(); let r = lucia.run_code(compiler::code::Code::try_from($input).unwrap());|ctx| assert_eq!(ctx.state.registry.fetch(&r), $value.into_value(ctx))); }}; } #[test] fn test_return() { run_check_value!(r#"return 0"#, 0); run_check_value!(r#"return 0"#, 0); } #[test] fn test_string_escape() { run_check_value!(r#"return "\"" "#, "\""); run_check_value!(r#"return "\n" "#, "\n"); run_check_value!(r#"return "\r" "#, "\r"); run_check_value!(r#"return "\t" "#, "\t"); run_check_value!(r#"return "\\" "#, "\\"); run_check_value!(r#"return "\'" "#, "\'"); run_check_value!(r#"return "\0" "#, "\0"); run_check_value!(r#"return "\x21" "#, "!"); // ASCII 0x21 is "!" run_check_value!(r#"return "\u{4F60}\u{597D}\u{2764}" "#, "你好❤"); } #[test] fn test_number_int() { run_check_value!(r#"return 0"#, 0); run_check_value!(r#"return 1"#, 1); run_check_value!(r#"return -1"#, -1); run_check_value!(r#"return 100_000_000"#, 100_000_000); run_check_value!(r#"return 0b1010"#, 10); run_check_value!(r#"return 0o1010"#, 520); run_check_value!(r#"return 0xABCD"#, 43981); } #[test] fn test_number_float() { run_check_value!(r#"return 0.0"#, 0.); run_check_value!(r#"return 1.0"#, 1.); run_check_value!(r#"return -1.0"#, -1.); run_check_value!(r#"return 1.0001"#, 1.0001); run_check_value!(r#"return 1.2e2"#, 120.); run_check_value!(r#"return 1.2E2"#, 120.); run_check_value!(r#"return 12e1"#, 120.); } #[test] fn test_arithmetic_expr_int() { run_check_value!(r#"return 1 + 1"#, 2); run_check_value!(r#"return 1 - 1"#, 0); run_check_value!(r#"return 2 * 3"#, 6); run_check_value!(r#"return 6 / 2"#, 3); run_check_value!(r#"return 5 / 2"#, 2); run_check_value!(r#"return 5 % 2"#, 1); } #[test] fn test_arithmetic_expr_float() { run_check_value!(r#"return 1.0 + 1.0"#, 2.); run_check_value!(r#"return 1.0 - 1.0"#, 0.); run_check_value!(r#"return 2.0 * 3.0"#, 6.); run_check_value!(r#"return 6.0 / 2.0"#, 3.); run_check_value!(r#"return 5.0 / 2.0"#, 2.5); run_check_value!(r#"return 5.0 % 2.0"#, 1.); } #[test] fn test_complex_arithmetic_expr() { run_check_value!(r#"return 1 + 1 * 2"#, 3); run_check_value!(r#"return (1 + 1) * 2"#, 4); run_check_value!(r#"return (1 + 1) * 2 + 1 * 2"#, 6); run_check_value!(r#"return ((1 + 1) * 2 + 1) * 2"#, 10); } #[test] fn test_logic_operation() { run_check_value!(r#"return true"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return false"#, false); run_check_value!(r#"return true and false"#, false); run_check_value!(r#"return true or false"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return not true"#, false); run_check_value!(r#"return true and false or true"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return true or true and not true"#, true); } #[test] fn test_compare_operation() { run_check_value!(r#"return 1 == 1"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 1 != 2"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 1 < 2"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 2 > 1"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 1 >= 1"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 2 >= 1"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 1 <= 1"#, true); run_check_value!(r#"return 1 <= 2"#, true); } #[test] fn test_import_and_print() { run!( r#" import std::io::{println} println("Hello World!") "#, ); } #[test] fn test_comment() { run!( r#" import std::io::{println} println("01") // println("02") /* println("03") println("04") */ "#, ); } #[test] fn test_assert() { if let objects::StaticValue::Null = run!(r#"assert(1 == 1)"#) { } else { panic!("unexpected return") } if let objects::StaticValue::Error(_) = run!(r#"assert(1 != 1)"#) { } else { panic!("unexpected return") } } #[test] fn test_assign() { run!( r#" a = 1 assert(a == 1) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 1 a = 2 assert(a == 2) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 1 a = "1" assert(a == "1") "#, ); run!( r#" a = 1 a += 1 assert(a == 2) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 1 a -= 1 assert(a == 0) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 2 a *= 3 assert(a == 6) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 6 a /= 2 assert(a == 3) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 5 a %= 2 assert(a == 1) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_if_stmt() { run!( r#" if 1 == 1 { assert(true) } else { assert(false) // never reach } "#, ); run!( r#" if 1 != 1 { assert(false) // never reach } else { assert(true) } "#, ); run!( r#" a = 1 if a == 1 { b = 1 } else if a == 2 { b = 2 } else { b = 3 } assert(b == 1) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 2 if a == 1 { b = 1 } else if a == 2 { b = 2 } else { b = 3 } assert(b == 2) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 3 if a == 1 { b = 1 } else if a == 2 { b = 2 } else { b = 3 } assert(b == 3) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_while_stmt() { run!( r#" a = 0 while a < 10 { a += 1 } assert(a == 10) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 0 while a < 10 { a += 1 if a == 5 { break } } assert(a == 5) "#, ); run!( r#" a = 0 b = 0 while a < 10 { a += 1 if a == 10 { continue } b += 1 } assert(b == 9) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_fn_call() { run!( r#" fn add(a, b) { return a + b } assert(add(1, 2) == 3) "#, ); run!( r#" add = fn(a, b) { return a + b } assert(add(1, 2) == 3) "#, ); run!( r#" global gcd fn gcd(x, y) { if y == 0 { return x } else { return gcd(y, x % y) } } assert(gcd(54, 24) == 6) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_table_expr() { run!( r#" a = { "a": 1, "b": 2, } assert(a["a"] == 1) assert(a.a == 1) assert(a::a == 1) "#, ); run!( r#" a = { "a": 1, "get_a": fn (self) { return self.a } } other_a = {"a": 2} assert(a.get_a() == 1) assert(a::get_a(other_a) == 2) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_variadic_fn() { run!( r#" fn f(a, *b) { assert(a == 1) assert(b == [2, 3]) } f(1, 2, 3) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_type_convert_bool() { run!( r#" assert(bool(null) == false) assert(bool(0) == false) assert(bool(1) == true) assert(bool(0.0) == false) assert(bool("") == true) assert(bool({}) == true) "#, ); run!( r#" assert(int(null) == 0) assert(int(true) == 1) assert(int(flase) == 0) assert(int(0.0) == 0) assert(int(0.5) == 0) assert(int(0.9) == 0) assert(int(1.0) == 1) assert(int(1.5) == 1) assert(int("1") == 1) assert(int("123") == 123) "#, ); run!( r#" assert(float(null) == 0.0) assert(float(true) == 1.0) assert(float(flase) == 0.0) assert(float(0) == 0.0) assert(float(1) == 1.0) assert(float("1.0") == 1.0) assert(float("1.23") == 1.23) "#, ); run!( r#" assert(str(null) == "null") assert(str(true) == "true") assert(str(false) == "false") assert(str(123) == "123") assert(str(0.123) == "0.123") "#, ); } #[test] fn test_for_table() { run!( r#" import std::table::{keys, values} t = {1: 123, 2: 456} flag = 0 for k in keys(t) { if flag == 0 { assert(k == 1) } else if flag == 1 { assert(k == 2) } else { assert(false) } flag += 1 } flag = 0 for v in values(t) { if flag == 0 { assert(v == 123) } else if flag == 1 { assert(v == 456) } else { assert(false) } flag += 1 } flag = 0 for k, v in t { if flag == 0 { assert(k == 1) assert(v == 123) } else if flag == 1 { assert(k == 2) assert(v == 456) } else { assert(false) } flag += 1 } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_for() { run!( r#" import std::io::{println} fn a() { t = 0 return || { t += 1 if t > 10 { return null } return t * 2 } } l = {} for i in a() { l[i] = i } assert(l, {2: 2, 4: 4, 6: 6, 8: 8, 10: 10, 12: 12, 14: 14, 16: 16, 18: 18, 20: 20}) println(repr(l)) "#, ); } #[test] fn test_do() { let input = " import std::io::{println} l = do { a = 1 b = 2 } println(repr(l)) "; context::Lucia::new().run_code(compiler::code::Code::try_from(input).unwrap()); } #[test] fn tail_call() { let input = " global f fn f(n, total) { if n == 1 { return total } return f(n - 1, n + total) } return f(1_000_000, 1) "; context::Lucia::new().run_code(compiler::code::Code::try_from(input).unwrap()); } #[test] fn add_pref() { let input = " i = 0 ans = 0 while i < 100000 { i += 1 ans += 1 } "; let start = Instant::now(); let mut lucia = context::Lucia::new(); let code = compiler::code::Code::try_from(input).unwrap(); for _ in 0..100 { lucia.run_code(code.clone()); } let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("Time: {:?}", duration / 100); } #[test] fn gcd_pref() { let input = " global gcd fn gcd(x, y) { if y == 0 { return x } else { return gcd(y, x % y) } } i = 0 j = 0 ans = 0 while i < 10000 { while j < 10000 { ans += gcd(i, j) j += 1 } i += 1 } "; let start = Instant::now(); let mut lucia = context::Lucia::new(); let code = compiler::code::Code::try_from(input).unwrap(); for _ in 0..100 { lucia.run_code(code.clone()); } let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("Time: {:?}", duration / 100); } #[test] fn temp() { let input = " // import std::io::{println} // l = {} // l[#] = { // '__setitem__': fn (self, key, value) { // println('__setitem__', self, key, value) // self.k = key // self.v = value // }, // '__getitem__': fn (self, key) { // println('__setitem__', self, key) // return 0 // }, // } // println(repr(l[#])) // l[1] = 2 // println(repr(l)) // return l['a'] import std::io::* // t = {} // t[#] = { // '__sub__': fn(self, other) { // other + 114 // } // } // t - 100 // import std::table::* // t = {'i': 10} // t[#] = { // '__iter__': fn(self) { // self.i -= 1 // if self.i == 0 { // return null // } // return self.i // } // } // for i in t { // println(i) // } // fn a() { // t = 0 // return || { // t += 1 // if t > 10 { // return null // } // return t * 2 // } // } // for i in a() { // println(i) // } // import std::io::* // println(bool(int(input()))) // println(42) // import std::table::* // t = [1, 2, 3] // for i in values(t) { // if i == 1 { // t[3] = 4 // } // println(i) // } fn t() { throw 42 } println(try t()) "; let code = compiler::code::Code::try_from(input).unwrap(); let mut lucia = context::Lucia::new(); println!("{:?}", lucia.run_code(code)); } #[test] fn temp_pref() { for _ in 0..10 { add_pref() } }