--- title: Affinity Designer Template Guide --- # Affinity Designer Template Guide This guide describes how to use the Affinity Designer template for Lucide. ## General Workflow >Attention: By default, Affinity Designer sets the unit for stroke to points. Make sure that it is set to pixel. To do this, open `Preferences > User Interface`. Under `Decimal Places for Unit Types`, uncheck `Show Lines in points`. 1. Download and open the [Affinity Designer template](https://github.com/lucide-icons/lucide/blob/main/docs/public/templates/affinity_designer.aftemplate). 2. Follow the [Icon Design Principles](icon-design-guide.md) while you use the template (to ensure integrity with the Lucide icon pack). 3. Export the file as SVG (`File > Export`). Make sure that _Rastering_ is set to _Nothing_, _Export text as curves_ is checked (hopefully, you won't need this), _Use hex colors_ is checked, and _Flatten transforms_ is checked. ![SVG export options in Affinity Designer](../../images/affinity-designer-export-options.png?raw=true) 4. Optimize the exported SVG file further with [SVGOMG](https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/) or [`svgo`](https://github.com/svg/svgo) (using `svgo --multipass exported_icon.svg`).