# Lucide React Native
Implementation of the lucide icon library for React Native applications.
> What is lucide? Read it [here](https://github.com/lucide-icons/lucide#what-is-lucide).
## Installation
First, ensure that you have `react-native-svg` (version between 12 and 15) installed. Then, install the package:
yarn add lucide-react-native
npm install lucide-react-native
## Documentation
For full documentation, visit [lucide.dev](https://lucide.dev/guide/packages/lucide-react-native)
## Community
Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/EH6nSts) to chat with the maintainers and other users.
## License
Lucide is licensed under the ISC license. See [LICENSE](https://lucide.dev/license).
## Sponsors
### Awesome backer 🍺