import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest'; import { render, fireEvent, cleanup } from '@testing-library/vue'; import { Smile, Pen, Edit2 } from '../src/lucide-vue'; import { afterEach } from 'vitest'; import { VueClass } from '@vue/test-utils'; describe('Using lucide icon components', () => { afterEach(() => cleanup()); it('should render an component', () => { const { container } = render(Smile as VueClass); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should adjust the size, stroke color and stroke width', () => { const { container } = render(Smile as VueClass, { props: { size: 48, color: 'red', strokeWidth: 4, }, }); const [icon] = document.getElementsByClassName('lucide'); expect(icon.getAttribute('width')).toBe('48'); expect(icon.getAttribute('stroke')).toBe('red'); expect(icon.getAttribute('stroke-width')).toBe('4'); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should add a class to the element', () => { const { container } = render(Smile as VueClass, { attrs: { class: 'my-icon', }, }); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); const [icon] = document.getElementsByClassName('lucide'); expect(icon).toHaveClass('my-icon'); expect(icon).toHaveClass('lucide-smile'); expect(icon).toHaveClass('lucide'); }); it('should add a style attribute to the element', () => { const { container } = render(Smile as VueClass, { attrs: { style: 'position: absolute', }, }); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); const [icon] = document.getElementsByClassName('lucide'); expect(icon).toHaveStyle({ position: 'absolute' }); }); it('should call the onClick event', async () => { const onClick = vi.fn(); render(Smile as VueClass, { listeners: { click: onClick, }, }); const [icon] = document.getElementsByClassName('lucide'); await; expect(onClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should pass children to the icon slot', () => { const testText = 'Hello World'; const template = `${testText}`; const { getByText, container } = render(Smile as VueClass, { slots: { default: { template }, }, }); const textElement = getByText(testText); expect(textElement).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render the alias icon', () => { const { getByText, container } = render(Pen as VueClass, { props: { size: '48', color: 'red', strokeWidth: '4', }, }); const PenIconRenderedHTML = container.innerHTML; cleanup(); const { container: Edit2Container } = render(Edit2 as VueClass, { props: { size: '48', color: 'red', strokeWidth: '4', }, }); expect(PenIconRenderedHTML).toBe(Edit2Container.innerHTML); }); it('should not scale the strokeWidth when absoluteStrokeWidth is set', () => { const { getByText, container } = render(Pen as VueClass, { props: { size: '48', color: 'red', absoluteStrokeWidth: true, }, }); const [icon] = document.getElementsByClassName('lucide'); expect(icon.getAttribute('width')).toBe('48'); expect(icon.getAttribute('stroke')).toBe('red'); expect(icon.getAttribute('stroke-width')).toBe('1'); }); });