import { optimize } from 'svgo'; import * as prettier from 'prettier'; import { parseSync, stringify } from 'svgson'; import DEFAULT_ATTRS from '../../tools/build-icons/render/default-attrs.json' assert { type: 'json' }; /** * Optimize SVG with `svgo`. * @param {string} svg - An SVG string. * @returns {Promise} An optimized svg */ async function optimizeSvg(svg, path) { const result = optimize(svg, { path, plugins: [ { name: 'preset-default', params: { overrides: { convertShapeToPath: false, mergePaths: false, }, }, }, { name: 'removeAttrs', params: { attrs: '(fill|stroke.*)', }, }, ], }); return; } /** * Set default attibutes on SVG. * @param {string} svg - An SVG string. * @returns {string} An SVG string, included with the default attributes. */ function setAttrs(svg) { const contents = parseSync(svg); contents.attributes = DEFAULT_ATTRS; return stringify(contents); } /** * Process SVG string. * @param {string} svg An SVG string. * @returns {Promise} An optimized svg */ function processSvg(svg, path) { return ( optimizeSvg(svg, path) .then(setAttrs) .then((optimizedSvg) => prettier.format(optimizedSvg, { parser: 'babel' })) // remove semicolon inserted by prettier // because prettier thinks it's formatting JSX not HTML .then((svg) => svg.replace(/;/g, '')) ); } export default processSvg;