import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'path'; import simpleGit from 'simple-git'; import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest'; import pMemoize from 'p-memoize'; const IGNORED_COMMITS = ['433bbae4f1d4abb50a26306d6679a38ace5c8b78']; const FETCH_DEPTH = process.env.FETCH_DEPTH || 1000; const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN }); const git = simpleGit(); const cache = new Map(); const getUserName = pMemoize( async (commit) => { const { data: fetchedCommit } = await octokit.repos.getCommit({ owner: 'lucide-icons', repo: 'lucide', ref: commit.hash, }); if (!fetchedCommit?.author?.login) { console.error(`Could not find author name for ${commit.author_email}`); } return fetchedCommit?.author?.login; }, { cacheKey: ([commit]) => commit.author_email, cache }, ); // Check that a commit changes more than just the icon name const isCommitRelevant = async (hash, file) => { const summary = await git.diffSummary(['--diff-filter=AM', `${hash}~1`, hash]); return summary.files.some(({ file: name }) => name === file); }; const getContributors = async (file, includeCoAuthors) => { const { all } = await git.log([`HEAD~${FETCH_DEPTH}..`, '--', file]); const commits = file.endsWith('.svg') ? ( await Promise.all( => isCommitRelevant(commit.hash, file) && commit)) ).filter(Boolean) : all; const emails = new Map(); for (let i = commits.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const commit = commits[i]; if (!IGNORED_COMMITS.includes(commit.hash)) { if (!emails.has(commit.author_email)) { emails.set(commit.author_email, getUserName(commit)); } if (includeCoAuthors) { const matches = commit.body.matchAll( /(^Author:|^Co-authored-by:)\s+(?[^<]+)\s+<(?[^>]+)>/gm, ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const match of matches) { if (!emails.has( && cache.has( { emails.set(, Promise.resolve(cache.get(; } } } } } return Promise.all(Array.from(emails.values())); }; const files = process.env.CHANGED_FILES.split(' ') .map((file) => file.replace('.json', '.svg')) .filter((file, idx, arr) => arr.indexOf(file) === idx); if (!files.every((file) => file.startsWith('icons/'))) { console.error("file path must start with 'icons/'"); process.exit(1); } // get all contributors to be able to associate them when they are co authors await getContributors('icons'); await Promise.all( (file) => { const jsonFile = path.join(process.cwd(), file.replace('.svg', '.json')); const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonFile)); const { tags, categories, aliases, contributors: previousContributors, } = json; const contributors = [ ...(previousContributors || []), ...(await getContributors(file, true)), ].filter((contributor, idx, arr) => contributor && arr.indexOf(contributor) === idx); fs.writeFileSync( jsonFile, JSON.stringify( { $schema: '../icon.schema.json', contributors, aliases, tags, categories,, }, null, 2, ) + '\n', ); }), );