export function deprecationReasonTemplate( deprecationReason, { componentName, iconName, toBeRemovedInVersion }, ) { const removalNotice = toBeRemovedInVersion ? ` This ${deprecationReason.startsWith('icon') ? 'icon' : 'alias'} will be removed in ${toBeRemovedInVersion}` : ''; switch (deprecationReason) { case 'alias.typo': return `Renamed because of typo, use {@link ${componentName}} instead.${removalNotice}`; case 'alias.naming': return `The name of this icon was changed because it didn't meet our guidelines anymore, use {@link ${componentName}} instead.${removalNotice}`; case 'icon.brand': return `Brand icons have been deprecated and are due to be removed, please refer to https://github.com/lucide-icons/lucide/issues/670. We recommend using https://simpleicons.org/?q=${iconName} instead.${removalNotice}`; } }