ludusavi = Ludusavi language = Мова game-name = Назва гри total-games = Всі ігри file-size = Розмір файлів file-location = Розташування overall = Overall status = Статус cli-unrecognized-games = Немає інформації про ці ігри: cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = Неможливо запитати підтвердження. .winpty-workaround = Якщо ви використовуєте емулятор Bash (наприклад, Git Bash), спробуйте запустити winpty. cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Неможливо вказати ідентифікатор резервної копії під час відновлення кількох ігор. cli-invalid-backup-id = Недійсний ідентифікатор резервної копії. badge-failed = Помилка badge-duplicates = ДУБЛІКАТИ badge-duplicated = ПРОДУБЛЮВАНО badge-ignored = ІГНОРУЄТЬСЯ badge-redirected-from = ВІД: { $path } badge-redirecting-to = TO: { $path } some-entries-failed = Some entries failed to process; look for { badge-failed } in the output for details. Double check whether you can access those files or whether their paths are very long. cli-game-line-item-redirected = Redirected from: { $path } cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Redirecting to: { $path } button-backup = Резервне копіювання button-preview = Попередній перегляд button-restore = Відновлення button-nav-backup = РЕЗЕРВНИЙ РЕЖИМ button-nav-restore = РЕЖИМ ВІДНОВЛЕННЯ button-nav-custom-games = CUSTOM GAMES button-nav-other = ІНШЕ button-add-game = Додати гру button-continue = Продовжити button-cancel = Скасувати button-cancelling = Скасування... button-okay = Гаразд button-select-all = Вибрати все button-deselect-all = Deselect all button-enable-all = Увімкнути всі button-disable-all = Відключити все button-customize = Налаштувати button-exit = Вихід button-comment = Коментар button-lock = Lock button-unlock = Unlock # This opens a download page. button-get-app = Отримати {$app} button-validate = Перевірити button-override-manifest = Override manifest button-extend-manifest = Extend manifest button-sort = Sort no-roots-are-configured = Додайте кілька коренів, щоб створити резервну копію ще більше даних. config-is-invalid = Помилка: файл конфігурації недійсний. manifest-is-invalid = Помилка: файл маніфесту недійсний. manifest-cannot-be-updated = Помилка: неможливо перевірити наявність оновлення файлу маніфесту. Ваше інтернет-з’єднання не працює? cannot-prepare-backup-target = Помилка: неможливо підготувати ціль резервного копіювання (створення або очищення папки). Якщо папка відкрита в браузері файлів, спробуйте закрити її: { $path } restoration-source-is-invalid = Помилка: джерело відновлення недійсне (або не існує, або не є каталогом). Ще раз перевірте розташування: { $path } registry-issue = Помилка: деякі записи реєстру було пропущено. unable-to-browse-file-system = Помилка: неможливо переглянути у вашій системі. unable-to-open-directory = Помилка: неможливо відкрити каталог: unable-to-open-url = Помилка: Не вдається відкрити URL: unable-to-configure-cloud = Unable to configure cloud. unable-to-synchronize-with-cloud = Unable to synchronize with cloud. cloud-synchronize-conflict = Your local and cloud backups are in conflict. Perform an upload or download to resolve this. command-unlaunched = Команда не запущена: { $command } command-terminated = Command terminated abruptly: { $command } command-failed = Помилка команди з кодом { $code }: { $command } processed-games = { $total-games } { $total-games -> [one] game *[other] games } processed-games-subset = { $processed-games } of { $total-games } { $total-games -> [one] game *[other] games } processed-size-subset = { $processed-size } of { $total-size } field-backup-target = Резервне копіювання до: field-restore-source = Відновити з: field-custom-files = Шляхи: field-custom-registry = Реєстр: field-sort = Sort: field-redirect-source = .placeholder = Джерело (початкове розташування) field-redirect-target = .placeholder = Ціль (нове місце) field-roots = Коріння: field-backup-excluded-items = Резервні виключення: field-redirects = Перенаправлення: # This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep. # A full backup includes all save files for a game. field-retention-full = Повний: # This appears next to the number of differential backups that you'd like to keep. # A differential backup includes only the files that have changed since the last full backup. field-retention-differential = Differential: field-backup-format = Формат: field-backup-compression = Стиснення: # The compression level determines how much compresison we perform. field-backup-compression-level = Рівень: label-manifest = Маніфест # This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest. label-checked = Перевірено # This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest. label-updated = Оновлено label-new = Нове label-removed = Видалено label-comment = Коментар label-unchanged = Без змін label-backup = Backup label-scan = Сканувати label-filter = Фільтр label-unique = Унікальний label-complete = Завершено label-partial = Частковий label-enabled = Увімкнено label-disabled = Вимкнено # label-threads = Threads label-cloud = Хмара # A "remote" is what Rclone calls cloud systems like Google Drive. label-remote = Дистанційно label-remote-name = Віддалена назва label-folder = Папка # An executable file label-executable = Executable # Options given to a command line program label-arguments = Аргументи label-url = URL-адреса # label-host = Хост # label-port = Порт label-username = Ім'я користувача label-password = Пароль # This is a specific website or service that provides some cloud functionality. # For example, Nextcloud and Owncloud are providers of WebDAV services. label-provider = Провайдер label-custom = Custom label-none = Жодного label-change-count = Зміни: { $total } label-unscanned = Не просканований # This refers to a local file on the computer label-file = Файл label-game = Гра # Aliases are alternative titles for the same game. label-alias = Alias label-original-name = Original name # Which manifest a game's data came from label-source = Source # This refers to the main Ludusavi manifest: label-primary-manifest = Primary manifest # This refers to how we integrate a custom game with the manifest data. label-integration = Integration store-ea = ЕА store-epic = Epic store-gog = GOG store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy store-heroic = Heroic store-legendary = Legendary store-lutris = Lutris store-microsoft = Microsoft store-origin = Origin store-prime = Prime Gaming store-steam = Steam store-uplay = Uplay store-other-home = Домашня папка # This would be a folder acting as a virtual C: drive, created by Wine. store-other-wine = Wine prefix # This would be a folder with typical Windows system folders, # like "Program Files (x86)" and "Users". store-other-windows = Диск Windows # This would be a folder with typical Linux system folders, # like "home" and "opt". store-other-linux = Диск Linux # This would be a folder with typical Mac system folders, # like "Applications" and "Users". store-other-mac = Mac диск store-other = Інше backup-format-simple = Просто backup-format-zip = Zip compression-none = Жодного # "Deflate" is a proper noun: compression-deflate = Deflate compression-bzip2 = Bzip2 compression-zstd = Zstd theme = Тема theme-light = Світло theme-dark = Темно redirect-bidirectional = Двонаправлений reverse-redirects-when-restoring = Reverse sequence of redirects when restoring show-disabled-games = Show disabled games show-unchanged-games = Показати незмінні ігри show-unscanned-games = Показати нескановані ігри override-max-threads = Перевизначити максимальну кількість потоків synchronize-automatically = Автоматична синхронізація prefer-alias-display = Display alias instead of original name explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots = In backups, exclude store-specific screenshots explanation-for-exclude-cloud-games = Do not back up games with cloud support on these platforms consider-doing-a-preview = If you haven't already, consider doing a preview first so that there are no surprises. confirm-backup = Are you sure you want to proceed with the backup? { $path-action -> [merge] New save data will be merged into the target folder: *[create] The target folder will be created: } confirm-restore = Are you sure you want to proceed with the restoration? This will overwrite any current files with the backups from here: confirm-cloud-upload = Do you want to replace your cloud files with your local files? Your cloud files ({ $cloud-path }) will become an exact copy of your local files ({ $local-path }). Files in the cloud will be updated or deleted as necessary. confirm-cloud-download = Do you want to replace your local files with your cloud files? Your local files ({ $local-path }) will become an exact copy of your cloud files ({ $cloud-path }). Local files will be updated or deleted as necessary. confirm-add-missing-roots = Add these roots? no-missing-roots = No additional roots found. loading = Loading... preparing-backup-target = Preparing backup directory... updating-manifest = Updating manifest... no-cloud-changes = No changes to synchronize backups-are-valid = Your backups are valid. backups-are-invalid = These games' backups appear to be invalid. Do you want to create new full backups for these games? saves-found = Save data found. no-saves-found = No save data found. # This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)", # meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure. suffix-no-confirmation = no confirmation # This is shown when a setting will only take effect after closing and reopening Ludusavi. suffix-restart-required = restart required prefix-error = Error: { $message } prefix-warning = Warning: { $message } cloud-app-unavailable = Cloud backups are disabled because { $app } is not available. cloud-not-configured = Cloud backups are disabled because no cloud system is configured. cloud-path-invalid = Cloud backups are disabled because the backup path is invalid. game-is-unrecognized = Ludusavi does not recognize this game. game-has-nothing-to-restore = This game does not have a backup to restore. launch-game-after-error = Launch the game anyway? game-did-not-launch = Game failed to launch. back-up-specific-game = .confirm = Back up save data for { $game }? .failed = Failed to back up save data for { $game } restore-specific-game = .confirm = Restore save data for { $game }? .failed = Failed to restore save data for { $game } new-version-check = Check for application updates automatically new-version-available = An application update is available: { $version }. Would you like to view the release notes? custom-game-will-override = This custom game overrides a manifest entry custom-game-will-extend = This custom game extends a manifest entry operation-will-only-include-listed-games = This will only process the games that are currently listed