ludusavi = Ludusavi language = 語言 game-name = 名稱 total-games = 遊戲 file-size = 尺寸 file-location = 位置 overall = 總覽 status = 狀態 cli-unrecognized-games = 沒有這些遊戲的資訊: cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = 無法請求確認。 .winpty-workaround = 如果您使用的是 Bash 模擬器(例如 Git Bash),請嘗試執行 winpty。 cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = 恢復多個遊戲時無法指定備份ID。 cli-invalid-backup-id = 無效的備份ID。 badge-failed = 已失敗 badge-duplicates = 重複項目 badge-duplicated = 已重複 badge-ignored = 忽略 badge-redirected-from = 來自: { $path } badge-redirecting-to = 到: { $path } some-entries-failed = 某些條目處理失敗;在輸出中查找 { badge-failed } 以獲取詳細資訊。請仔細檢查您是否可以存取這些文件或它們的路徑是否太長。 cli-game-line-item-redirected = 重新導向從: { $path } cli-game-line-item-redirecting = 重新導向到:{ $path } button-backup = 備份 button-preview = 預覽 button-restore = 復原 button-nav-backup = 備份模式 button-nav-restore = 還原模式 button-nav-custom-games = 自訂遊戲 button-nav-other = 其他 button-add-game = 新增遊戲 button-continue = 繼續 button-cancel = 取消 button-cancelling = 正在取消... button-okay = 確定 button-select-all = 選取全部 button-deselect-all = 全不選 button-enable-all = 啟用全部 button-disable-all = 停用全部 button-customize = 自定義 button-exit = 退出 button-comment = 備註 button-lock = 鎖定 button-unlock = 解鎖 # This opens a download page. button-get-app = 取得 { $app } button-validate = 驗證 button-override-manifest = Override manifest button-extend-manifest = Extend manifest button-sort = Sort no-roots-are-configured = 增加其他根目錄,可以備份更多資料。 config-is-invalid = 錯誤:設定檔無效。 manifest-is-invalid = 錯誤:manifest 清單檔無效。 manifest-cannot-be-updated = 錯誤:無法檢查 manifest 清單文件的更新。您的網路是否已斷線? cannot-prepare-backup-target = 錯誤:無法準備備份目標(無法新增或清空資料夾)。如果您打開了該資料夾,請嘗試關閉它:{ $path } restoration-source-is-invalid = 錯誤:還原來源無效(路徑不存在或不是目錄)。請重新檢查位置:{ $path } registry-issue = 錯誤:某些註冊表被跳過。 unable-to-browse-file-system = 錯誤:無法在您的系統上瀏覽。 unable-to-open-directory = 錯誤:無法打開資料夾: unable-to-open-url = 錯誤:無法打開網址: unable-to-configure-cloud = 無法設定雲端。 unable-to-synchronize-with-cloud = 無法同步至雲端。 cloud-synchronize-conflict = 您的本地備份和雲端備份有衝突。請進行上傳或下載以解決此問題。 command-unlaunched = 命令未啟動:{ $command } command-terminated = 命令已中斷:{ $command } command-failed = 命令失敗,錯誤碼 { $code }:{ $command } processed-games = { $total-games } { $total-games -> [one] 遊戲 *[other] 遊戲 } processed-games-subset = { $processed-games } / { $total-games } { $total-games -> [one] 遊戲 *[other] 遊戲 } processed-size-subset = { $processed-size } / { $total-size } field-backup-target = 備份至: field-restore-source = 還原自: field-custom-files = 路徑: field-custom-registry = 註冊表: field-sort = 排序: field-redirect-source = .placeholder = 來源(原始位置) field-redirect-target = .placeholder = 目標(新位置) field-roots = 根目錄: field-backup-excluded-items = 備份排除: field-redirects = 路徑重定向: # This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep. # A full backup includes all save files for a game. field-retention-full = 完整備份: # This appears next to the number of differential backups that you'd like to keep. # A differential backup includes only the files that have changed since the last full backup. field-retention-differential = 差異備份: field-backup-format = 格式: field-backup-compression = 壓縮: # The compression level determines how much compresison we perform. field-backup-compression-level = 壓縮等級: label-manifest = Manifest # This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest. label-checked = 已檢查 # This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest. label-updated = 已更新 label-new = 最新 label-removed = 已移除 label-comment = 註釋 label-unchanged = 未變更 label-backup = Backup label-scan = 掃描 label-filter = 篩選 label-unique = 唯一 label-complete = 已完成 label-partial = 部分 label-enabled = 已啟用 label-disabled = 已停用 # label-threads = 執行緒 label-cloud = 雲端備份 # A "remote" is what Rclone calls cloud systems like Google Drive. label-remote = 遠端 label-remote-name = 遠端名稱 label-folder = 資料夾 # An executable file label-executable = 可執行文件 # Options given to a command line program label-arguments = 參數 label-url = URL # label-host = 主機 # label-port = 端口 label-username = 使用者名稱 label-password = 密碼 # This is a specific website or service that provides some cloud functionality. # For example, Nextcloud and Owncloud are providers of WebDAV services. label-provider = 供應商 label-custom = 自定義 label-none = 無 label-change-count = 變更:{ $total } label-unscanned = 未掃描 # This refers to a local file on the computer label-file = 檔案 label-game = 遊戲 # Aliases are alternative titles for the same game. label-alias = 別名 label-original-name = 原始名稱 # Which manifest a game's data came from label-source = Source # This refers to the main Ludusavi manifest: label-primary-manifest = Primary manifest # This refers to how we integrate a custom game with the manifest data. label-integration = Integration store-ea = EA store-epic = Epic store-gog = GOG store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy store-heroic = Heroic store-legendary = Legendary store-lutris = Lutris store-microsoft = 微軟 store-origin = Origin store-prime = Amazon Prime Gaming store-steam = Steam store-uplay = Uplay store-other-home = 主要資料夾 # This would be a folder acting as a virtual C: drive, created by Wine. store-other-wine = Wine prefix # This would be a folder with typical Windows system folders, # like "Program Files (x86)" and "Users". store-other-windows = Windows drive # This would be a folder with typical Linux system folders, # like "home" and "opt". store-other-linux = Linux drive # This would be a folder with typical Mac system folders, # like "Applications" and "Users". store-other-mac = Mac drive store-other = 其它 backup-format-simple = 簡易 backup-format-zip = Zip檔 compression-none = 無 # "Deflate" is a proper noun: compression-deflate = Deflate compression-bzip2 = Bzip2 compression-zstd = Zstd theme = 外觀主題 theme-light = 亮色主題 theme-dark = 暗色主題 redirect-bidirectional = 雙向 reverse-redirects-when-restoring = Reverse sequence of redirects when restoring show-disabled-games = Show disabled games show-unchanged-games = 顯示未變更的遊戲 show-unscanned-games = 顯示未掃描的遊戲 override-max-threads = 覆蓋最大執行緒數 synchronize-automatically = 自動同步 prefer-alias-display = 顯示別名而非原始名稱 explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots = 在備份中,排除特定的商店截圖 explanation-for-exclude-cloud-games = 不備份這些平台上內建雲端儲存的遊戲 consider-doing-a-preview = 如果尚未進行預覽,建議先做一次預覽,以免有意外情況。 confirm-backup = 您確定要繼續備份嗎? { $path-action -> [merge] 新的存檔將合併到目標資料夾中: *[create] 目標資料夾將被創建: } confirm-restore = 您確定要繼續還原嗎? 這將會用來自以下位置的備份覆蓋當前的檔案: confirm-cloud-upload = 您是否要用本地文件替換雲端存檔? 您的雲端存檔({ $cloud-path })將成為本地存檔({ $local-path })的副本。 雲端中的檔案將會在需要的時候進行更新或刪除。 confirm-cloud-download = 您是否要用雲端存檔替換本地存檔? 您的本地存檔({ $local-path })將成為雲端存檔({ $cloud-path })的副本。 本地檔案將會在需要的時候進行更新或刪除。 confirm-add-missing-roots = 增加這些根目錄嗎? no-missing-roots = 未找到其他根目錄。 loading = 讀取中... preparing-backup-target = 正在準備備份資料夾... updating-manifest = 正在更新 manifest 清單檔... no-cloud-changes = 沒有需要同步的修改 backups-are-valid = 您的備份是有效的。 backups-are-invalid = 這些遊戲的備份似乎無效。 您是否要為這些遊戲創建新的完整備份? saves-found = 已找到存檔資料。 no-saves-found = 沒有找到任何存檔。 # This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)", # meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure. suffix-no-confirmation = 不進行確認 # This is shown when a setting will only take effect after closing and reopening Ludusavi. suffix-restart-required = 需要重新啟動 prefix-error = 錯誤:{ $message } prefix-warning = 警告:{ $message } cloud-app-unavailable = 雲端備份已禁用,因為 { $app } 不可用。 cloud-not-configured = 雲端備份已被禁用,因為沒有設定任何雲端系統。 cloud-path-invalid = 雲端備份已被禁用,因為備份路徑無效。 game-is-unrecognized = Ludusavi 無法識別此遊戲。 game-has-nothing-to-restore = 此遊戲沒有可還原的備份。 launch-game-after-error = 仍要啟動遊戲嗎? game-did-not-launch = 遊戲啟動失敗。 back-up-specific-game = .confirm = 要備份 { $game } 的存檔資料嗎? .failed = 無法備份 { $game } 的存檔資料 restore-specific-game = .confirm = 還原 { $game } 的存檔資料嗎? .failed = 無法還原 { $game } 的存檔資料 new-version-check = 自動檢查程式更新 new-version-available = 可用的更新:{ $version }。您要查看更新說明嗎? custom-game-will-override = This custom game overrides a manifest entry custom-game-will-extend = This custom game extends a manifest entry operation-will-only-include-listed-games = This will only process the games that are currently listed