use lumbermill::{debug, error, fatal, info, trace, warn, LogLevel, Logger}; fn main() { // You can tell the logger to ignore log messages below a certain level. // There are 6 log levels, here they are, in order: // 1. Trace // 2. Debug // 3. Info // 4. Warn // 5. Error // 6. Fatal // Setting the minimum log level to any of these values disables all log levels // _lower_ that itself. Logger::default().level(LogLevel::Warn).init(); trace!("I'm a trace log"); debug!("I'm a debug log"); info!("I'm a info log"); warn!("I'm a warn log"); error!("I'm a error log"); fatal!("I'm a fatal log"); // Running this example will print all logs except `trace`, `debug` & `info` }