use cudarc::{ driver::{CudaDevice, DriverError, LaunchAsync, LaunchConfig}, nvrtc::Ptx, }; fn main() -> Result<(), DriverError> { let dev = CudaDevice::new(0)?; // You can load a function from a pre-compiled PTX like so: dev.load_ptx(Ptx::from_file("./examples/sin.ptx"), "sin", &["sin_kernel"])?; // and then retrieve the function with `get_func` let f = dev.get_func("sin", "sin_kernel").unwrap(); let a_host = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; let a_dev = dev.htod_copy(a_host.into())?; let mut b_dev = a_dev.clone(); let n = 3; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(n); unsafe { f.launch(cfg, (&mut b_dev, &a_dev, n as i32)) }?; let a_host_2 = dev.sync_reclaim(a_dev)?; let b_host = dev.sync_reclaim(b_dev)?; println!("Found {:?}", b_host); println!("Expected {:?}",; assert_eq!(&a_host, a_host_2.as_slice()); Ok(()) }