[package] name = "luminol-audio" description = "Luminol's audio backend" version.workspace = true authors.workspace = true edition.workspace = true license.workspace = true rust-version.workspace = true readme.workspace = true repository.workspace = true keywords.workspace = true categories.workspace = true # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [lints] workspace = true [dependencies] # * Audio * # rustysynth = "1.3.1" # SoundFont MIDI synthesizer # * Logging and diagnostics * # color-eyre.workspace = true # * Useful procedural macros * # strum.workspace = true thiserror.workspace = true # * More efficient implementations of individual components of Rust's Standard Library * # parking_lot.workspace = true once_cell.workspace = true # * Tools to aid concurrent programming * # fragile.workspace = true # * File system interfaces * # camino.workspace = true # * Luminol's crates * # luminol-config.workspace = true luminol-filesystem.workspace = true [target.'cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))'.dependencies] # * Audio * # rodio = "0.19.0" # Audio playback [target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies] # * Audio * # rodio = { version = "0.19.0", features = [ "wasm-bindgen", ] } # Audio playback (web) # * More efficient implementations of individual components of Rust's Standard Library * # once_cell.workspace = true # * Tools to aid concurrent programming * # flume.workspace = true oneshot.workspace = true # * Adapters for web APIs * # web-sys.workspace = true wasm-bindgen-futures.workspace = true # * Misc. * # slab.workspace = true