Math Modules

math.pi: float

PI as a float; 3.141592653589793.

math.nan: float

NaN as a float value.

math.inf: float

Infinity as a float value.

math.e: float

Epsilon as a float value.

math.abs(n: number): number

Returns the absolute value of n.

math.sqrt(n: number): number

Returns the square root of n.

math.exp(n: number): number

Returns math.e^n, (the exponential function).

math.exp2(n: number): number

Returns 2^n

math.exp_m1(n: number): number

Returns e^n - 1 in a way that is accurate even if the number is close to zero.

math.signum(n: number): number

Returns a number that represents the sign of n.

  • 1.0 if the number is positive, +0.0 or inf
  • -1.0 if the number is negative, -0.0 or -inf
  • NaN if the number is NaN

math.fract(n: number): number

Returns the fractional part of n.

math.sin(n: number): number

Returns the sine of n (in radians).

math.cos(n: number): number

Returns the cosine of n (in radians).

math.tan(n: number): number

Returns the tangent of n (in radians).

math.sinh(n: number): number

Returns the hyperbolic sine of n (in radians).

math.cosh(n: number): number

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of n (in radians).

math.tanh(n: number): number

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of n (in radians).

math.asin(n: number): number

Returns the arcsine of n (in radians).

math.acos(n: number): number

Returns the arccosine of n (in radians).

math.atan(n: number): number

Returns the arctangent of n (in radians).

math.asinh(n: number): number

Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of n (in radians).

math.acosh(n: number): number

Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of n (in radians).

math.atanh(n: number): number

Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of n (in radians).

math.deg(n: number): number

Converts n radians to degrees.

math.rad(n: number): number

Converts n degrees to radians.

math.random(): float

Returns a thread local random float from 0 to 1.