use std::time::Duration; use lunatic::host::api::message::receive; use lunatic::host::api::process::die_when_link_dies; use lunatic::{spawn_link, Mailbox, Process, ProcessConfig}; use lunatic_test::test; #[test] fn spawn_non_capturing_child() { Process::spawn((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| {}); } #[test] fn wait_for_child(m: Mailbox<()>) { Process::spawn(m.this(), |parent, _: Mailbox<()>| parent.send(())); m.receive(); } #[test] fn failing_child_doesnt_kill_parent() { Process::spawn((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| panic!("panics")); // Give a chance for the kill to propagate. lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn failing_child_kills_linked_parent() { Process::spawn_link((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| panic!("panics")); // Give a chance for the kill to propagate. lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } #[test] fn parent_and_child_exchange_messages(parent_mailbox: Mailbox) { let parent = parent_mailbox.this(); let adder = Process::spawn_link(parent, |parent, child_mailbox: Mailbox| { let a = child_mailbox.receive(); let b = child_mailbox.receive(); parent.send(a + b) }); adder.send(2); adder.send(2); assert_eq!(4, parent_mailbox.receive()); } #[test] fn mailbox_timeout(m: Mailbox) { let message = m.receive_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10)); assert!(message.unwrap_err().is_timed_out()); } #[test] fn recursive_count(mailbox: Mailbox) { let mut config = ProcessConfig::new().unwrap(); config.set_can_spawn_processes(true); Process::spawn_link_config(&config, (mailbox.this(), 1000), recursive_count_sub); assert_eq!(500500, mailbox.receive()); } fn recursive_count_sub((parent, n): (Process, i32), mailbox: Mailbox) { if n > 0 { Process::spawn_link((mailbox.this(), n - 1), recursive_count_sub); parent.send(n + mailbox.receive()); } else { parent.send(0); } } #[test] fn lookup(mailbox: Mailbox) { // Register self under name "hello" let this = mailbox.this(); this.register(&"hello"); spawn_link!(|| { let parent = Process::::lookup(&"hello").unwrap(); parent.send(1337); }); assert_eq!(1337, mailbox.receive()); } #[test] fn spawn_config_doesnt_link() { let mut config = ProcessConfig::new().unwrap(); config.set_max_memory(5_000_000); config.set_can_spawn_processes(true); Process::spawn_config(&config, (), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| panic!()); // Give enough time to fail lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn spawn_link_config_does_link() { let mut config = ProcessConfig::new().unwrap(); config.set_max_memory(5_000_000); config.set_can_spawn_processes(true); Process::spawn_link_config(&config, (), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| panic!()); // Give enough time to fail lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn kill_process() { let process = Process::spawn_link((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| {}); process.kill(); // Give enough time to fail lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } #[test] fn unlink_shouldnt_fail_on_dead_process() { let child = Process::spawn_link((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| {}); // Give enough time for process to finish lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); child.unlink(); } #[test] fn link_should_trigger_on_dead_process() { unsafe { die_when_link_dies(0) }; let child = Process::spawn((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| {}); // Give enough time for process to finish lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));; let result = unsafe { receive(&0i64 as *const i64, 0, 100) }; // Confirm it's a link broke message and not a timeout assert_ne!(result, 9027); } #[test] fn is_alive() { let child = Process::spawn((), |_, _: Mailbox<()>| { lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); }); // Give enough time for process to be spawned lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); assert_eq!(child.is_alive(), true); // Give enough time to process to finish lunatic::sleep(Duration::from_millis(150)); assert_eq!(child.is_alive(), false); }