# Luno-rs (async) The Luno API wrapper written in rust of rust in rust prorgram https://www.luno.com/en/developers/api. ### Dependencies * reqwest * serde * serde_json * tokio ### Configuration 0. Add to Cargo.toml `luno_rs = "0.1.1"` or `luno_rs = { git="https://github.com/borngraced/luno-rs"}` 1. Get your api key and secret from luno.com 2. Create .env file in your project route and configure with: ` API_KEY=myapikey` `API_SECRET=myapisecret` 3. import Luno client to your project and initialize `use luno_rs::Luno;` ```rust #[tokio::test] // any other async runtime can be used, not limited to tokio async fn test_luno_async() { dotenv::dotenv().ok(); let key = env::var("API_KEY").expect("Api Key doesn't exist yet, please add"); let secret = env::var("API_SECRET").expect("Api Key Secret doesn't exist yet, please add"); let luno = luno_rs::Luno::init(key, secret).await; let balance = luno.get_all_balance().await; assert!(tickers.is_ok()); let all_balance: Vec = balance.unwrap(); print!("{balance:#?}") } ``` ### Available METHODS regularly (more will be added until completion) ### available endpoints 1. [x] create_account() 2. [x] get_all_balance() 3. [x] get_ticker(pair: "XBTNGN") 4. [x] get_all_tickers() 5. [x] get_full_order_book(pair: "XBTNGN") 6. [x] get_top_order_book(pair: "XBTNGN") ### Todos 7. [ ] update_account_name 8. [ ] list_pending_transactions 9. [ ] list_transactions 10. [ ] list_account_balances 11. [ ] list_recent_trades 12. [ ] get_candles 13. [ ] get_markets_info 14. [ ] list_orders 15. [ ] list_trades 16. [ ] post_market_order 17. [ ] get_order 18. [ ] post_limit_order 19. [ ] cancel_order 20. [ ] get_receiver_address 21. [ ] create_receiver_address 22. [ ] send 23. [ ] estimate_send_fee 24. [ ] list_withdrawal_request 25. [ ] request_a_withdrawal 26. [ ] get_withdrawal_request 27. [ ] cancel_withdrawal_request 28. [ ] list_transfers 29. [ ] list_eneficiaries # CONTRIBUTING feel free to work on any of the todos:) [https://www.luno.com/en/developers/api](https://www.luno.com/en/developers/api).