use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use anyhow::anyhow; use criterion::{ black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement, BatchSize, BenchmarkGroup, BenchmarkId, Criterion, SamplingMode, }; use pasta_curves::pallas; use lurk::{ eval::lang::{Coproc, Lang}, field::LurkField, lem::{eval::evaluate, multiframe::MultiFrame, pointers::Ptr, store::Store}, proof::nova::NovaProver, proof::Prover, public_parameters::{ instance::{Instance, Kind}, public_params, }, state::State, }; mod common; use common::set_bench_config; fn fib(store: &Store, state: Rc>, _a: u64) -> Ptr { let program = r#" (letrec ((next (lambda (a b) (next b (+ a b)))) (fib (next 0 1))) (fib)) "#;, program).unwrap() } // The env output in the `fib_frame`th frame of the above, infinite Fibonacci computation will contain a binding of the // nth Fibonacci number to `a`. // means of computing it.] fn fib_frame(n: usize) -> usize { 11 + 16 * n } // Set the limit so the last step will be filled exactly, since Lurk currently only pads terminal/error continuations. fn fib_limit(n: usize, rc: usize) -> usize { let frame = fib_frame(n); rc * (frame / rc + usize::from(frame % rc != 0)) } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)] struct ProveParams { fib_n: usize, reduction_count: usize, date: &'static str, sha: &'static str, } impl ProveParams { fn name_params(&self) -> (String, String) { let output_type = bench_parameters_env().unwrap_or("stdout".into()); match output_type.as_ref() { "pr-comment" => ("fib".into(), format!("num-{}", self.fib_n)), "commit-comment" => ( format!("fib-ref={}", self.sha), format!("num-{}", self.fib_n), ), // TODO: refine "gh-pages", _ => ( "fib".into(), format!("num-{}-{}-{}", self.fib_n, self.sha,, ), } } } fn bench_parameters_env() -> anyhow::Result { std::env::var("LURK_BENCH_OUTPUT") .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Noise threshold env var isn't set: {e}")) } fn rc_env() -> anyhow::Result> { std::env::var("LURK_RC") .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Reduction count env var isn't set: {e}")) .and_then(|rc| { let vec: anyhow::Result> = rc .split(',') .map(|rc| { rc.parse::() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to parse RC: {e}")) }) .collect(); vec }) } fn noise_threshold_env() -> anyhow::Result { std::env::var("LURK_BENCH_NOISE_THRESHOLD") .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Noise threshold env var isn't set: {e}")) .and_then(|nt| { nt.parse::() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to parse noise threshold: {e}")) }) } fn fibonacci_prove( prove_params: ProveParams, c: &mut BenchmarkGroup<'_, M>, state: &Rc>, ) { let limit = fib_limit(prove_params.fib_n, prove_params.reduction_count); let lang_pallas = Lang::>::new(); let lang_rc = Arc::new(lang_pallas.clone()); // use cached public params let instance = Instance::new( prove_params.reduction_count, lang_rc.clone(), true, Kind::NovaPublicParams, ); let pp = public_params::<_, _, MultiFrame<'_, _, _>>(&instance).unwrap(); // Track the number of `Lurk frames / sec` let rc = prove_params.reduction_count as u64; c.throughput(criterion::Throughput::Elements( rc * u64::div_ceil((11 + 16 * prove_params.fib_n) as u64, rc), )); let (name, params) = prove_params.name_params(); c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name, params), &prove_params, |b, prove_params| { let store = Store::default(); let ptr = fib::( &store, state.clone(), black_box(prove_params.fib_n as u64), ); let prover = NovaProver::new(prove_params.reduction_count, lang_rc.clone()); let frames = &evaluate::>(None, ptr, &store, limit) .unwrap() .0; b.iter_batched( || frames, |frames| { let result = prover.prove(&pp, frames, &store); let _ = black_box(result); }, BatchSize::LargeInput, ) }, ); } fn fibonacci_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { // Uncomment to record the logs. May negatively impact performance //tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); set_bench_config(); tracing::debug!("{:?}", lurk::config::LURK_CONFIG); let reduction_counts = rc_env().unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![100]); let batch_sizes = [100, 200]; let state = State::init_lurk_state().rccell(); for reduction_count in reduction_counts.iter() { let mut group: BenchmarkGroup<'_, _> = c.benchmark_group(format!("LEM Fibonacci Prove - rc = {}", reduction_count)); group.sampling_mode(SamplingMode::Flat); // This can take a *while* group.sample_size(10); group.noise_threshold(noise_threshold_env().unwrap_or(0.05)); for fib_n in batch_sizes.iter() { let prove_params = ProveParams { fib_n: *fib_n, reduction_count: *reduction_count, date: env!("VERGEN_GIT_COMMIT_DATE"), sha: env!("VERGEN_GIT_SHA"), }; fibonacci_prove(prove_params, &mut group, &state); } } } cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "flamegraph")] { criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default() .measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(120)) .sample_size(10) .with_profiler(pprof::criterion::PProfProfiler::new(100, pprof::criterion::Output::Flamegraph(None))); targets = fibonacci_benchmark, } } else { criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default() .measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(120)) .sample_size(10); targets = fibonacci_benchmark, } } } criterion_main!(benches);