use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use bellpepper::util_cs::witness_cs::WitnessCS; use bellpepper_core::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem}; use criterion::{ black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement, BatchSize, BenchmarkGroup, BenchmarkId, Criterion, SamplingMode, }; use pasta_curves::Fq; use lurk::{ eval::lang::{Coproc, Lang}, field::LurkField, lem::{eval::evaluate, multiframe::MultiFrame, pointers::Ptr, store::Store}, proof::{supernova::FoldingConfig, MultiFrameTrait}, state::State, }; fn fib(store: &Store, state: Rc>, a: u64) -> Ptr { let program = format!( r#" (let ((fib (lambda (target) (letrec ((next (lambda (a b target) (if (= 0 target) a (next b (+ a b) (- target 1)))))) (next 0 1 target))))) (fib {a})) "# );, &program).unwrap() } fn synthesize( name: &str, reduction_count: usize, c: &mut BenchmarkGroup<'_, M>, ) { let limit = 1_000_000; let lang_rc = Arc::new(Lang::>::new()); let state = State::init_lurk_state().rccell(); c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name.to_string(), reduction_count), &reduction_count, |b, reduction_count| { let store = Store::default(); let fib_n = (reduction_count / 3) as u64; // Heuristic, since one fib is 35 iterations. let ptr = fib::(&store, state.clone(), black_box(fib_n)); let (frames, _) = evaluate::>(None, ptr, &store, limit).unwrap(); let folding_config = Arc::new(FoldingConfig::new_ivc(lang_rc.clone(), *reduction_count)); let multiframe = MultiFrame::from_frames(&frames, &store, folding_config.clone())[0].clone(); b.iter_batched( || (multiframe.clone()), // avoid cloning the frames in the benchmark |multiframe| { let mut cs = WitnessCS::new(); let result = multiframe.synthesize(&mut cs); let _ = black_box(result); }, BatchSize::LargeInput, ) }, ); } fn fibonacci_synthesize(c: &mut Criterion) { let batch_sizes = [5, 10, 100, 200]; let mut group: BenchmarkGroup<'_, _> = c.benchmark_group("synthesis"); group.sampling_mode(SamplingMode::Flat); // This can take a *while* group.sample_size(10); for size in batch_sizes.iter() { synthesize("Synthesis-rc", *size, &mut group); } } cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "flamegraph")] { criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default() .measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(120)) .sample_size(10) .with_profiler(pprof::criterion::PProfProfiler::new(100, pprof::criterion::Output::Flamegraph(None))); targets = fibonacci_synthesize } } else { criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default() .measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(120)) .sample_size(10); targets = fibonacci_synthesize, } } } criterion_main!(benches);