# lv2rs-atom: MIDI message integration for [`lv2rs-atom`](https://docs.rs/lv2rs-atom/). This crate introduces new atom types for the use with `lv2rs-atom` which add support for the MIDI communication protocol. MIDI is a protocol originally intended to be used synthesizers with different keyboard, but due to use simplicity, it is used now for almost anything that is music-related. This is a frozen prototype and therefore, development of this crate will not continue here. Further development continues as [rust-lv2](https://github.com/rust-dsp/rust-lv2). ## Getting started If you want to get started with LV2, you should start with the [root crate](https://crates.io/crates/lv2rs) and check out the [book](https://janonard.github.io/lv2rs-book/).