# LogWatcher LogWatcher is an utility meant as a replacement for: `tail -F /some/path/*`. lw vs tail advantages: - it watches for modified, deleted and _new_ files without restart of the utility - it won't crash if there are > 4096 files (shell pattern limit exhaustion) or directories (if you set `ulimit -n` value high enough) - it works recursively on directories # Author: Daniel ([@dmilith](https://twitter.com/dmilith)) Dettlaff # Features: - Uses Kqueue for event monitoring (standard on BSD and macOS) - Works recursively through files/ directories but can be also used for single file monitoring - It's fast and DEBUG'able (through DEBUG and TRACE env variables) - Produces colorful output (especially in DEBUG and TRACE mode). ## Installation: ```sh cargo install --force lw ``` ## Software requirements: - Rust >= 1.40.0 ## Additional build requirements: - Clang >= 10.x - Make >= 3.x - Cmake >= 3.16 - POSIX compliant base-system (tested on systems: FreeBSD/ HardenedBSD/ Darwin) ## License - BSD - MIT