// example2.c - Demonstrates single function call compression/decompression using the lzham_compress() and lzham_uncompress() functions. // This example statically links against the lzhamlib, lzhamcomp, and lzhamdecomp libs. #include #include #include #include // Define LZHAM_DEFINE_ZLIB_API causes lzham.h to remap the standard zlib.h functions/macro definitions to lzham's. // This is totally optional - you can also directly use the lzham_* functions and macros instead. #define LZHAM_DEFINE_ZLIB_API #include "lzham_static_lib.h" typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned int uint; // The string to compress. static const char *s_pStr = "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Good morning Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson." \ "Hal... Dave and I believe that there's something about the mission that we weren't told." \ "Something that the rest of the crew know and that you know. We'd like to know whether this is true."; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint step = 0; int cmp_status; uLong src_len = (uLong)strlen(s_pStr); uLong cmp_len = compressBound(src_len); uLong uncomp_len = src_len; uint8 *pCmp, *pUncomp; uint total_succeeded = 0; argc, argv; printf("LZHAM example2 (single function call compression/decompression)\nUsing library version: %s\n", ZLIB_VERSION); do { // Allocate buffers to hold compressed and uncompressed data. pCmp = (uint8 *)malloc((size_t)cmp_len); pUncomp = (uint8 *)malloc((size_t)src_len); if ((!pCmp) || (!pUncomp)) { printf("Out of memory!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Compress the string. cmp_status = compress(pCmp, &cmp_len, (const unsigned char *)s_pStr, src_len); if (cmp_status != Z_OK) { printf("compress() failed!\n"); free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Compressed from %u to %u bytes\n", src_len, cmp_len); if (step) { // Purposely corrupt the compressed data if fuzzy testing (this is a very crude fuzzy test). uint n = 1 + (rand() % 3); while (n--) { uint i = rand() % cmp_len; pCmp[i] ^= (rand() & 0xFF); } } // Decompress. cmp_status = uncompress(pUncomp, &uncomp_len, pCmp, cmp_len); total_succeeded += (cmp_status == Z_OK); if (step) { printf("Simple fuzzy test: step %u total_succeeded: %u\n", step, total_succeeded); } else { if (cmp_status != Z_OK) { printf("uncompress failed!\n"); free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Decompressed from %u to %u bytes\n", cmp_len, uncomp_len); // Ensure uncompress() returned the expected data. if ((uncomp_len != src_len) || (memcmp(pUncomp, s_pStr, (size_t)src_len))) { printf("Decompression failed!\n"); free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } free(pCmp); free(pUncomp); step++; // Keep on fuzzy testing if there's a non-empty command line. } while (argc >= 2); printf("Success.\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }