(set-option :verbose true) (declare-const x1 Real) (declare-const x2 Real) (assert (<= 3.0 x1)) (assert (<= x1 3.14)) (assert (<= -7.0 x2)) (assert (<= x2 5.0)) (assert (<= (+ (* 2.0 3.14159265) (* -2.0 x1 (arcsin (* (cos 0.797) (sin (* 3.14159265 (** x1 -1))) )))) (+ -0.591 (* -0.0331 x2) 0.506 1.0))) (debug graph) (check-sat) (get-model) ------------------------- 0 ==> true 1 ==> false 2 ==> x1 3 ==> x2 4 ==> 3.0 5 ==> $4 <= $2 6 ==> assert $5 7 ==> 3.1 8 ==> $2 <= $7 9 ==> assert $8 10 ==> -7.0 11 ==> $10 <= $3 12 ==> assert $11 13 ==> 5.0 14 ==> $3 <= $13 15 ==> assert $14 16 ==> 0.8 17 ==> (cos $16) 18 ==> $2^-1 * 3.1 19 ==> (sin $18) 20 ==> $17 * $19 21 ==> (arcsin $20) 22 ==> $2 * $21 23 ==> $22*-2.0 + 6.3 24 ==> $3*-0.0 + 0.9 25 ==> $23 <= $24 26 ==> assert $25 unsat 2 iterations of propagation 0 decisions 24 narrowing of a value interval 29 narrowing of a constraint interval No model