use super::*; use the_module::{ parse_quote, qt, code_to_str, tree_print, Result }; // tests_impls! { #[ test ] fn equation_test() -> Result< () > { use syn::spanned::Spanned; use the_module::equation; // "basic" ); let input = qt! { #[ derive( Former ) ] pub struct Struct1 { #[former( default = 31 ) ] pub int_1 : i32, } }; let ast = match syn::parse2::< syn::DeriveInput >( input ) { Ok( syntax_tree ) => syntax_tree, Err( err ) => return Err( err ), }; let fields = match { syn::Data::Struct( ref data_struct ) => match data_struct.fields { syn::Fields::Named( ref fields_named ) => { &fields_named.named }, _ => return Err( syn::Error::new( ast.span(), "Unknown format of data, expected syn::Fields::Named( ref fields_named )" ) ), }, _ => return Err( syn::Error::new( ast.span(), "Unknown format of data, expected syn::Data::Struct( ref data_struct )" ) ), }; let attr = fields.first().ok_or_else( || err( "No field" ) )?.attrs.first().ok_or_else( || err( "No attr" ) )?; let exp = equation::Equation { left : parse_quote!{ default }, op : parse_quote!{ = }, right : parse_quote!{ 31 }, }; let got = equation::from_meta( &attr )?; a_id!( got.left, exp.left ); a_id!( format!( "{:?}", got ), format!( "{:?}", exp ) ); // a_id!( got.right, exp.right ); return Ok( () ); fn err( src : &str ) -> syn::Error { syn::Error::new( proc_macro2::Span::call_site(), src ) } } fn equation_parse_test() { let got : the_module::Equation = syn::parse_quote!( default = 31 ); tree_print!( got ); a_id!( code_to_str!( got ), "default = 31".to_string() ); a_id!( got.left, syn::parse_quote!( default ) ); a_id!( got.op, syn::token::Eq::default() ); a_id!( code_to_str!( got.right ), "31".to_string() ); } fn equation_from_meta_test() { use the_module::equation; let attr1 : syn::Attribute = syn::parse_quote!( #[ default( 31 ) ] ); tree_print!( attr1 ); let attr1 : syn::Attribute = syn::parse_quote!( #[ default[ 31 ] ] ); tree_print!( attr1 ); let attr1 : syn::Attribute = syn::parse_quote!( #[ former( default = 31 ) ] ); // tree_print!( attr1 ); let got = equation::from_meta( &attr1 ).unwrap(); a_id!( code_to_str!( got ), "default = 31".to_string() ); a_id!( got.left, syn::parse_quote!( default ) ); a_id!( got.op, syn::token::Eq::default() ); a_id!( code_to_str!( got.right ), "31".to_string() ); } } // // tests_index! { equation_test, equation_parse_test, equation_from_meta_test, }