use std::fs; use std::io::Write as _; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use wasm_bindgen_cli_support::Bindgen; fn sh<'a>(cmd: impl IntoIterator, dir: impl AsRef) { let path = std::env::var("PATH").unwrap(); let cmd: Vec<&str> = cmd.into_iter().collect(); let status = Command::new(cmd[0]) .args(&cmd[1..]) .current_dir(dir) .env_clear() .env("PATH", path) .status() .unwrap(); assert!(status.success(), "{cmd:?} failed with status: {status:?}"); } fn wasm_bindgen(input: &Path, output_dir: &Path) { Bindgen::new() .web(true) .unwrap() .input_path(input) .nodejs(false) .unwrap() .browser(false) .unwrap() .no_modules(false) .unwrap() .debug(false) .demangle(false) .keep_lld_exports(false) .keep_debug(false) .remove_name_section(false) .remove_producers_section(false) .typescript(true) .omit_imports(false) .omit_default_module_path(false) .split_linked_modules(false) .generate(output_dir) .unwrap(); } fn check_for_wasm_opt() -> bool { match Command::new("wasm-opt").arg("--help").spawn() { Ok(_) => true, Err(e) => { println!("cargo:warning=Failed to execute wasm-opt: {e}. WASM will not be optimized"); false } } } fn wasm_opt(input: &Path) { if !check_for_wasm_opt() { return; } let mut output = input.to_owned(); output.set_extension(".opt.wasm"); sh( [ "wasm-opt", input.to_str().unwrap(), "-o", output.to_str().unwrap(), "-O3", ], ".", ); fs::rename(&output, input).unwrap(); let sentinel = input.parent().unwrap().join(".wasm-opt"); fs::write(sentinel, b"").unwrap(); } fn create_tar(web_dir: &Path, pkg_dir: &Path, output_file: &Path) { let mut builder = tar::Builder::new(fs::File::create(output_file).unwrap()); for d in [web_dir, pkg_dir] { for entry in fs::read_dir(d).unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap(); if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { builder .append_dir_all(entry.file_name(), entry.path()) .unwrap(); } else { builder .append_path_with_name(entry.path(), entry.file_name()) .unwrap(); } } } builder.finish().unwrap(); } fn with_profiles(workspace_root: &Path, body: impl FnOnce() + std::panic::UnwindSafe) { let cargo_toml = workspace_root.join("Cargo.toml"); if !fs::read_to_string(&cargo_toml) .unwrap() .contains("profile.wasm_") { let cargo_toml_old = workspace_root.join("Cargo.toml.old"); fs::copy(&cargo_toml, &cargo_toml_old).unwrap(); let mut f = fs::OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .append(true) .open(&cargo_toml) .unwrap(); f.write_all( b"\ [profile.wasm_dev]\n\ inherits = \"dev\"\n\ [profile.wasm_release]\n\ inherits = \"release\"\n\ ", ) .unwrap(); let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { body(); }); fs::rename(cargo_toml_old, cargo_toml).unwrap(); result.unwrap(); } else { body(); } } fn build_wasm(target: &str, profile: &str, workspace_root: &Path) { with_profiles(workspace_root, || { sh( [ "cargo", "build", "--offline", "--lib", "--target", target, "--profile", profile, ], ".", ); }); } fn create_web_tar(profile: &str, build_dir: &Path, workspace_root: &Path) { let target = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"; let pkg_dir = build_dir.join(profile).join("wasm_pkg"); fs::remove_dir_all(&pkg_dir).ok(); fs::create_dir_all(&pkg_dir).unwrap(); build_wasm(target, profile, workspace_root); let wasm_file = build_dir .join(target) .join(profile) .join("maelstrom_web.wasm"); wasm_bindgen(&wasm_file, &pkg_dir); if profile == "wasm_release" { wasm_opt(&pkg_dir.join("maelstrom_web_bg.wasm")); } let out_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); create_tar(Path::new("www"), &pkg_dir, &out_dir.join("web.tar")); } fn main() { #[cfg(doc)] let is_doc_build = true; #[cfg(not(doc))] let is_doc_build = false; #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] let profile = "release"; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] let profile = "dev"; // Don't build the WASM if doing a doc build. It is wasted work, but also our recursive cargo // invocation isn't working in the build. if std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap() != "wasm32-unknown-unknown" && !is_doc_build { let crate_root_cargo_lock = Path::new("Cargo.lock"); let cargo_lock_existed_at_crate_root = crate_root_cargo_lock.exists(); let metadata = cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand::new().exec().unwrap(); create_web_tar( &format!("wasm_{profile}"), metadata.target_directory.as_std_path(), metadata.workspace_root.as_std_path(), ); // this should only be the case when publishing, and at that point we can't be the ones // creating the Cargo.lock file if !cargo_lock_existed_at_crate_root && crate_root_cargo_lock.exists() { fs::remove_file("Cargo.lock").unwrap(); } } }