# magnetfinder
Multi-threaded CLI torrent aggregator; scrapes torrent results from multiple websites and delivers them into a table in your terminal!
Supported Websites:
- nyaa
- piratebay
Supported torrent client for autodownloads:
- deluge-console
- transmission-cli
## Usage
Running magnetfinder without any arguments will launch interactive mode, prompting for similar information set by flags.
#### Flags/Arguments
```-q, --query ``` search query to use
```-n, --nyaa``` scrape nyaa for torrents
```-p, --piratebay``` scrape piratebay for torrents
```-y, --yts``` get torrents from YIFY/YTS
```-a, --all``` scrape all available websites together
```-d, --download``` autodownload the torrent(s) selected
```--depth ``` specifies how many pages to search through for each website, default is 1
```--dir ``` directory to download torrent if autodownload was toggled
```--sort ``` allows you to specifiy if the torrent table is sorted by seeders or size
```--proxy ``` allows you to set a proxy to use when making web requests to torrent websites & api
```--show ``` truncate list of torrents displayed by the number argument given
```--no-interactive``` displays all torrents with magnet directly without interacting (--show is useful here)
#### Configuration
Settings.toml (for setting default behavior, such as download directories & autodownload) is located in an OS specific directory:
```~/.config/magnetfinder/``` on Linux
```/AppData/Roaming/magnetfinder``` on Windows
```/Library/Application Support/magnetfinder/``` on macOS
## Installation
First install rust if you haven't already: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
From Cargo/Crate: ```cargo install magnetfinder```
From Source:
- ```git clone https://github.com/bleusakura/magnetfinder.git``` then ```cargo build --release```
- After building, the binary will be located in ```./target/release/```, which can then be moved elsewhere.
You can also decide to skip compiling and download a binary from the [releases section](https://github.com/bleusakura/magnetfinder/releases)