import multiprocessing import pandas as pd import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from itertools import product from tqdm import tqdm class Scraper: broken_link = 'The operation you requested cannot currently be performed. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to address this as soon as possible. Please check back soon and hopefully this will be fixed. If this is still not fixed, visit the "Help" tab to send us an email describing the problem.' base_url = "" months = {1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March', 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June', 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September', 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December'} def __init__(self, args, regions): self.hotspot = args.hotspot self.regions = regions self.params_list = self.parse_params(args) self.num_cores = int(args.num_cores) @staticmethod def parse_params(args): params = {} if params['t2'] = "life" elif args.ytd: params['t2'] = "year" elif args.mtd: params['t2'] = "month" elif params['t2'] = "day" else: raise Exception("Time parameter missing.") if args.month: params['bmo'] = int(args.month) params['emo'] = int(args.month) elif args.range: start, end = args.range.split('-') start, end = int(start), int(end) if start < 1 or start > 12 or end < 1 or end > 12: raise Exception("Month endpoints out of range") params['bmo'] = start params['emo'] = end elif args.year: params['bmo'] = 1 params['emo'] = 12 elif args.all_months: params_list = [] for n in range(1, 13): p = params.copy() p['bmo'] = n p['emo'] = n params_list.append(p) return params_list else: raise Exception("Time of Year parameter missing.") return [params] def loc_params(self, params, row): pass @staticmethod def parse_percent(soup): try: return [float(d['title'].split('% ')[0]) for d in soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'ResultsStats-stats'})] except Exception as e: return [] @staticmethod def parse_species(soup): native = soup.find('section', {'aria-labelledby': 'native-and-naturalized'}) if not native: return pd.DataFrame({'common name': []}), True species = [[s.text.strip() for s in d.find('a').contents] for d in native.find_all('div', {'class': 'SpecimenHeader'}) if d.find('a')] if not species: return pd.DataFrame({'common name': []}), True if len(species[0]) > 1: common_name = [] scientific_name = [] for s in species: common_name.append(s[0] if len(s[0]) else None) scientific_name.append(s[1]) return pd.DataFrame({'common name': common_name, 'scientific name': scientific_name}), False else: return pd.DataFrame({'common name': species}), False def scrape_page(self, params, row, session): sleep = 1 percent = [] params = self.loc_params(params, row) while not percent: r = session.get(self.base_url, params=params) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') if soup.find('p').text == Scraper.broken_link: return pd.DataFrame({'common name': []}) has_species = len([int(s.text) for s in soup.find_all('strong') if s.has_attr('class')]) > 0 if not has_species: time.sleep(sleep) sleep *= 2 continue df, is_empty = self.parse_species(soup) if is_empty: return df percent = self.parse_percent(soup)[:df.shape[0]] num_checklists = int(''.join(s for s in soup.find('p').text if s.isdigit())) df['checklists'] = num_checklists df['percent'] = percent df['country'] = row['country'] df['region'] = row['region'] df['sub region'] = row['sub_region'] df['code'] = row['sub_region_code'] if self.hotspot: df['hotspot'] = row['hotspot'] df['hotspot_code'] = row['hotspot_code'] df['start month'], df['end month'] = Scraper.months[params['bmo']], Scraper.months[params['emo']] if df['common name'].isna().sum() == df.shape[0]: df.drop(columns=['common name'], inplace=True) return df def scrape_data(self, session): with multiprocessing.Pool(self.num_cores) as pool: results = [pool.apply_async(self.scrape_page, (params, row, session)) for params, (_, row) in product(self.params_list, self.regions.iterrows())] results = [r.get() for r in tqdm(results, total=len(results))] return pd.concat(results).reset_index(drop=True) class GlobalScraper(Scraper): def __init__(self, args, regions): super().__init__(args, regions) def loc_params(self, params, row): params['r1'] = row['hotspot_code'] if self.hotspot else row['sub_region_code'] params['r2'] = 'world' return params class CountryScraper(Scraper): def __init__(self, args, regions): super().__init__(args, regions) def loc_params(self, params, row): params['r1'] = row['hotspot_code'] if self.hotspot else row['sub_region_code'] params['r2'] = row['country_code'] return params class RegionScraper(Scraper): def __init__(self, args, regions): super().__init__(args, regions) def loc_params(self, params, row): params['r1'] = row['hotspot_code'] if self.hotspot else row['sub_region_code'] params['r2'] = row['region_code'] return params class SubRegionScraper(Scraper): def __init__(self, args, regions): super().__init__(args, regions) def loc_params(self, params, row): params['r1'] = row['hotspot_code'] if self.hotspot else row['sub_region_code'] params['r2'] = row['sub_region_code'] return params