# MaidSafe Utilities - Change Log ## [0.19.0] - Update to Rust 1.43 stable - Migrate CI/CD to GitHub actions - Remove logging to a websocket ## [0.18.0] - Update `url` dependency from `~1.5.1` to `~1.7.2` ## [0.17.0] - Change log tests to integration ones - Add log_or_panic macro ## [0.16.0] - Update to dual license (MIT/BSD) - Upgrade unwrap version to 1.2.0 - Use rust 1.28.0 stable / 2018-07-07 nightly - rustfmt 0.99.2 and clippy-0.0.212 ## [0.15.0] - Use rust 1.22.1 stable / 2017-11-23 nightly - rustfmt 0.9.0 and clippy-0.0.174 ## [0.14.1] - Fix issue when deserialising corrupt data - Reconnect web socket logger if it disconnects ## [0.14.0] - Use rust 1.19 stable / 2017-07-20 nightly - rustfmt 0.9.0 and clippy-0.0.144 - Replace -Zno-trans with cargo check - Make appveyor script using fixed version of stable ## [0.13.0] - Change `serialise` to return error if not all input bytes are consumed. - Refactor the log module. - Add an option to override a log output file name. ## [0.12.1] - Fix to make log4rs use the toml format for our log.toml file. ## [0.12.0] - Update to Rust 1.17 stable - Update serde serialisation - Update CI to run cargo_install from QA ## [0.11.4] - Fix seeded_rng to avoid generating identical rngs. ## [0.11.3] - Make `SeededRng` deterministic even if there are several test threads. ## [0.11.2] - Update `config_file_handler` and `ws` to latest - v0.6.0 and v0.7.0 respectively. ## [0.11.1] - Fix seeded-rng bug in which it was not getting printed for failing tests if there as a passing test that ran before - The construction of SeededRng was faulty as it lead to printout of the inner most SeededRng of a stack frame instead of the global one from which all others were derived. This is fixed too. ## [0.11.0] - Use serde instead of rustc-serialize - rustfmt 0.8.1 - remove big-endian-sip-hasher - deterministically seeded thread local version of seeded-rng - make shuffle consistent across architectures ## [0.10.2] - Fix the bug which created an empty log file when timestampping was set to true in log.toml - Update and conform to rustc 1.16.0 stable, 2017-03-16 nightly and Clippy 0.0.120 ## [0.10.1] - Update CI scripts and remove the requirement of clippy in Cargo.toml. - Add timestamping to file-names if specified so in log.toml. ## [0.10.0] - Removed deprecated type and macros. - Removed upper limit from serialisation helpers. - Fixed log formatting regression. ## [0.9.0] - Use config_file_handler crate to derive file locations. - Integration with current log4rs (0.4.8) leading to changes in the log.toml specification. ## [0.8.0] - Revert use of `unwrap!` inside `thread!`. ## [0.7.1] - Replaced `thread!` macro with `named()` function. - Renamed `RaiiThreadJoiner` to `Joiner`. - Modified `SeededRng::from_seed()` to panic rather than return an error. ## [0.7.0] - Fixed Clippy warnings. - Added `SeededRng` type. ## [0.6.0] - Added endian-agnostic Sip hash function. - Added test for log.toml file. - Replaced usage of `time` crate with `std::time`. ## [0.5.4] - Read the config file from the binary directory instead of the current one. - Websocket logging to the web-server writes the complete and verbose JSON when no pattern is specified in `log.toml` for async_web_socket. ## [0.5.3] - Logging of date and time to web-server is now an ISO format with time-zone offset - Unique id in log messages is string instead of u64 in JSON as 64 bit numbers are not supported out of the box in NodeJS web-servers. ## [0.5.2] - Added ability to serialise and deserialise without being limited by the default size limit - Websocket logging now logs unique ids as well ## [0.5.1] - Fixed serialisation issue. - Fixed bug in logging. - Updated logging docs. - Updated Contributor Agreement to version 1.1. ## [0.5.0] - Async Logging introduced - uses log4rs. ## [0.4.1] - Use bincode serialisation size limits. ## [0.4.0] - Changed from using CBOR to Bincode. - Disabled Clippy warning. ## [0.3.0] - Added new function to allow logging to file. ## [0.2.1] - Used quick-error for SerialisationError. ## [0.2.0] - Clippy fixes including renaming some public enum variants. - Formatting and style fixes. - Limited length of filename in log output. ## [0.1.5] - to_string() -> to_owned() - str + str -> str.push(str) ## [0.1.4] - Added serialisation module to encode and decode types using Cbor. ## [0.1.3] - Added MaidSafeObserver to facilitate Routing to work with multiple event-subsets in a single thread. ## [0.1.2] - Added env_logger initialiser. ## [0.1.1] - Remove wildcard dependencies. ## [0.1.0] - Thread spawning - Thread joining via RAII - Unwrap helpers for `Option` and `Result` - `EventSender` for event sub-setting