# Copy this sample file next to the binary to test (e.g. in "./target/release") [appenders.aws] kind = "async_web_socket" server_url = "ws://" # Make sure to either spawn a web server at this address or # change this URL. session_id = "magic-value" [appenders.display] kind = "console" [appenders.async_file] kind = "async_file" output_file_name = "This-is-a-sample-output.log" pattern = "{l} {d(%H:%M:%S.%f)} [{M} #FS#{f}#FE#:{L}] {m}{n}" append = true file_timestamp = true # This will log all levels from log_test into file and web socket. [loggers."log_test"] level = "trace" appenders = ["aws", "async_file"] additive = false # If true it will also send it to the appenders ("display") of parent ("root"). # This will log from info level from log_test::abc into file and console. [loggers."log_test::abc"] level = "info" appenders = ["display", "async_file"] additive = false # If true it will also send it to the appenders ("aws") of parent ("log_test"). # Although we don't need root logger, this is just for demonstration purpose. [root] level = "error" # This will log all levels which are equal to or more severe to this from all crates # and dependencies including 3rd party crates used in build process not covered by # above loggers ("log_test" and "log_test::abc"). appenders = ["display", "async_file"] # May not be supplied if not required.