# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # Read https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html for more options available # import sphinx_pdj_theme # -- Project information project = 'MailboxValidator Rust' copyright = '2024, MailboxValidator' author = 'MailboxValidator' release = '0.1.0' version = '0.1.0' # -- General configuration extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.duration', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'myst_parser', 'sphinx_copybutton', ] # https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/optional.html myst_enable_extensions = [ "colon_fence", "deflist", "fieldlist", ] # https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html#setting-html-metadata myst_html_meta = { "description": "MailboxValidator Rust module enable users to block disposal email, detect free email and validate if an email is valid.", "keywords": "MailboxValidator, Email Validation, disposable email, free email, Rust", "google-site-verification": "DeW6mXDyMnMt4i61ZJBNuoADPimo5266DKob7Z7d6i4", } # templates_path = ['_templates'] # -- Options for HTML output html_theme = 'sphinx_book_theme' # html_theme_path = [sphinx_pdj_theme.get_html_theme_path()] # PDJ theme options, see the list of available options here: https://github.com/jucacrispim/sphinx_pdj_theme/blob/master/sphinx_pdj_theme/theme.conf html_theme_options = { "use_edit_page_button": False, "use_source_button": False, "use_issues_button": False, "use_download_button": False, "use_sidenotes": False, } # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. html_logo = 'images/mbv-logo-square-1200.png' # Favicon html_favicon = 'images/favicon.ico' html_title = "MailboxValidator Rust" # html_baseurl = "https://ip2proxy-php.readthedocs.io/en/latest/"