
Mailjet API wrapper for Rust

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## Overview This crate contains an unofficial wrapper for the Mailjet API. The official resources are available in the [Mailjet Developer Guides]( webiste. The official [Mailjet Organization in GitHub]( provides wrappers for other programming languages such as Go, PHP, JavaScript (NodeJS), Ruby and more. ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Client](#client) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [API Version](#api-version) - [Send Messages](#send-messages) - [Examples Requirements](#examples-requirements) - [Consuming the API Wrapper](#consuming-the-api-wrapper) - [Basic Message](#basic-message) - [Send to multiple recipients](#send-to-multiple-recipients) - [Using `To`, `Cc` and `Bcc` instead of `Recipients`](#using-to-cc-and-bcc-instead-of-recipients) - [Send Inline Attachments](#send-inline-attachments) - [Full Featured Example on v3](#full-featured-example-on-v3) ### Installation ```toml mailjet-rs = "0.2.0" # Used by `Hyper` which is the HTTP request solution behind the Client tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } ``` ### Client The `Client` struct performs API related tasks such as handling authentication and defning the API version that must be used for every request. ### Authentication Mailjet's Email API uses the API keys provided by Mailjet for your account [here]( These are used to create an instance of the `Client` as follows: ```rust let client = Client::new( SendAPIVersion::V3, "public_key", "private_key", ); ``` ### API Version Mailjet's API has 3 versions available at the moment, the following table describes each version and its support in this crate Version | Name | Supported --- | --- | --- v3 | The Email API | ✔️ v3.1 | Email Send API v3.1 (Latest Version) | ❌ (Early Development) v4 | SMS API | ❌ (TBD) > As you can see at the moment this crate supports only the version 3 of the Email API. Support for the version 3.1 is in early development The version of the API to use is provided to the `Client` using the `SendAPIVersion` enum. ### Send Messages To send a `Message` you must create a `Client` instance, then define `Recipients` and finally build your `Message`. The `Client`'s method `send` receives a `Payload` trait implementator, this trait is implemented by `Message` and every struct which is sent to the Mailjet's API throught the `Client`. A call to `send` will return a `Future` which wraps a `Result`. ### Examples Requirements To run any of the following examples you must have a public and private key for Mailjet (a free plan is available to consume the API) and also install the tokio runtime. ```toml mailjet-rs = "0.2.0" # Used by `Hyper` which is the HTTP request solution behind the Client tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } ``` ### Consuming the API Wrapper Theres two ways to consume this wrapper, either by using the methods provided by the `Message` struct or not to using these methods. All of the fields of the `Message` struct are public, this is because sometimes its a bit of verbose/tedious to build a simple struct by calling multiple methods. The methods provided are meant to validate the fields of the `Message` struct with the API specificiations but you are free to provide values to these fields. ### Basic Message **mailjet-rs** makes use of the Tokio runtime to perform asynchronous operations, Hyper is being used undet the hood to perform HTTP requests to the Mailjet API. Here a `Message` is created and sent to the `Recipient` defined. This message neither contains HTML or is consuming a template, instead this `Message` contains raw text. ```rust use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient; use mailjet_rs::v3::Message; use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Create an instance of the Mailjet API client // used to send the `Message` and also define your API // credentials let client = Client::new( SendAPIVersion::V3, "public_key", "private_key", ); // Create your a `Message` instance with the minimum required values let mut message = Message::new( "", "Mailjet Rust", Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()), Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()) ); message.push_recipient(Recipient::new("")); // Finally send the message using the `Client` let response = client.send(message).await; // Do something with the response from Mailjet // Ok(Response { sent: [Sent { email: "", message_id: 000, message_uuid: "message-uuid" }] }) println!("{:?}", response); Ok(()) } ``` ### Send to multiple recipients ```rust use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient; use mailjet_rs::v3::Message; use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let client = Client::new( SendAPIVersion::V3, "public_key", "private_key", ); let mut message = Message::new( "", "Mailjet Rust", Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()), Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()) ); let recipients = vec![ Recipient::new(""), Recipient::new(""), Recipient::new(""), ]; message.push_many_recipients(recipients); let response = client.send(message).await; println!("{:?}", response); Ok(()) } ``` ### Using `To`, `Cc` and `Bcc` instead of `Recipients` > Note: If a recipient does not exist in any of your contact list it will be created from scratch, keep that in mind if you are planning on sending a welcome email and then you're trying to add the email to a list as the contact effectively exists already. [Mailjet's API Documentation]( ```rust use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient; use mailjet_rs::v3::Message; use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let client = Client::new( SendAPIVersion::V3, "public_key", "private_key", ); let mut message = Message::new( "", "Mailjet Rust", Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()), Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()) ); message.set_receivers( vec![ Recipient::new(""), ], Some(vec![ Recipient::new(""), ]), None ); let response = client.send(message).await; println!("{:?}", response); Ok(()) } ``` ### Send Inline Attachments ```rust use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient; use mailjet_rs::v3::{Message, Attachment}; use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion}; /// Base64 representation of the Mailjet logo found in the Mailjet SendAPI V3 docs const MAILJET_LOGO_BASE64: &str = "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"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let client = Client::new( SendAPIVersion::V3, "public_key", "private_key", ); let mut message = Message::new( "", "Mailjet Rust", Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()), Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()) ); message.set_receivers( vec![ Recipient::new(""), ], Some(vec![ Recipient::new(""), ]), None ); let mailjet_logo = Attachment::new( "image/png", "logo.png", MAILJET_LOGO_BASE64); message.attach_inline(mailjet_logo); message.html_part = Some("

Dear [[var:name]] [[var:last]], welcome to Mailjet!
May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()); let response = client.send(message).await; println!("{:?}", response); Ok(()) } ``` ### Full Featured Example on v3 The following is an example using the Mailjet's Send API v3 where the following features are covered: - Attach inline images - Attach files - Use template variables ```rust use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient; use mailjet_rs::v3::{Message, Attachment}; use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion}; use mailjet_rs::{Map, Value}; /// Base64 representation of the Mailjet logo found in the Mailjet SendAPI V3 docs const MAILJET_LOGO_BASE64: &str = "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"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Create an instance of the Mailjet API client // used to send the `Message` and also define your API // credentials let client = Client::new( SendAPIVersion::V3, "public_key", "private_key", ); // Create your a `Message` instance with the minimum required values let mut message = Message::new( "", "Mailjet Rust", Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()), Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()) ); message.push_recipient(Recipient::new("")); // Set some HTML for your email // // Note that here we are using `cid:logo.png` as the src value for our image // this is using the `inline_attachment` with `filename` "logo.png" as the // image source message.html_part = Some("

Dear [[var:name]] [[var:last]], welcome to Mailjet!
May the delivery force be with you!".to_string()); // Attach inline files providing its base64 representation // content-type and a name. // The name of the file can be used to reference this file in your HTML content let mailjet_logo_inline = Attachment::new( "image/png", "logo.png", MAILJET_LOGO_BASE64); // Attach the `Attachment` as an Inline Attachment // this function can also be used to attach common Attachments message.attach_inline(mailjet_logo_inline); // Creates a txt file Attachment let txt_file_attachment = Attachment::new( "text/plain", "test.txt", "VGhpcyBpcyB5b3VyIGF0dGFjaGVkIGZpbGUhISEK"); // Attaches the TXT file as an email Attachment message.attach(txt_file_attachment); // Provide variables for your template // `Map` and `Value` are reexported from // `serde_json` let mut vars = Map::new(); vars.insert(String::from("name"), Value::from("Foo")); vars.insert(String::from("last"), Value::from("Bar")); message.vars = Some(vars); // Finally send the message using the `Client` let response = client.send(message).await; // Do something with the response from Mailjet // Ok(Response { sent: [Sent { email: "", message_id: 000, message_uuid: "message-uuid" }] }) println!("{:?}", response); Ok(()) } ``` ## Release To release a new version you must tag with git and push to the `main` branch. ```bash git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First Release" git push origin main --follow-tags ``` ## Contribute Feel free to contribute! ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License to match the same licensing as Mailjet's official wrappers