use std::{ convert::TryFrom, time::{Instant, SystemTime}, }; use mainline::{Dht, MutableItem, SigningKey}; use clap::Parser; use tracing::Level; use tracing_subscriber; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { /// Mutable data public key. secret_key: String, /// Value to store on the DHT value: String, } fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_max_level(Level::INFO).init(); let cli = Cli::parse(); let dht = Dht::client().unwrap(); let signer = from_hex(cli.secret_key); println!( "\nStoring mutable data: \"{}\" for public_key: {} ...\n", cli.value, to_hex(signer.verifying_key().to_bytes().to_vec()) ); let seq = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("time drift") .as_micros() as i64; let item = MutableItem::new(signer, cli.value.as_bytes().to_owned().into(), seq, None); println!("\n=== COLD QUERY ==="); put(&dht, &item); println!("\n=== SUBSEQUENT QUERY ==="); // You can now republish to the same closest nodes // skipping the the lookup step. put(&dht, &item); } fn put(dht: &Dht, item: &MutableItem) { let start = Instant::now(); dht.put_mutable(item.clone()).expect("Put mutable failed"); println!( "Stored mutable data as {:?} in {:?} milliseconds",, start.elapsed().as_millis() ); } fn from_hex(s: String) -> SigningKey { if s.len() % 2 != 0 { panic!("Number of Hex characters should be even"); } let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(s.len() / 2); for i in 0..s.len() / 2 { let byte_str = &s[i * 2..(i * 2) + 2]; let byte = u8::from_str_radix(byte_str, 16).expect("Invalid hex character"); bytes.push(byte); } SigningKey::try_from(bytes.as_slice()).expect("Invalid signing key") } fn to_hex(bytes: Vec) -> String { let hex_chars: String = bytes.iter().map(|byte| format!("{:02x}", byte)).collect(); hex_chars }