NODE=node NPX=npx BUN=bun BUN_RUN=${BUN} run BUN_BUN_RUN=${BUN} --bun run BIOME=${BUN} x @biomejs/biome WEB_TEST_RUNNER=./node_modules/.bin/wtr .PHONY: default default: @echo "To work on the project, run:" @echo "" @echo " make dev" @echo "" @echo "To build the project, run:" @echo "" @echo " npm install" @echo " make build" @echo "" @echo "To see available tests, run:" @echo "" @echo " npm install" @echo " make test-info" @echo "" ######## Shared with `package.json` ######## # By convention, we'd normally place `build-bin` first, but `build-lib` is the main target and # it can be less confusing to build first (especially if the build aborts with # an error). .PHONY: build build: clean build-lib build-bin build-sites .PHONY: build-lib build-lib: build-lib-js build-lib-types .PHONY: build-lib-js build-lib-js: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/build/lib/build-lib-js.ts .PHONY: build-lib-types build-lib-types: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/build/lib/build-lib-types.ts .PHONY: build-bin build-bin: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/build/bin/build-bin.ts chmod +x ./dist/bin/*.js .PHONY: build-sites build-sites: build-site-twizzle build-site-experiments .PHONY: build-site-twizzle build-site-twizzle: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/build/sites/build-site-twizzle.ts .PHONY: build-site-experiments build-site-experiments: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/build/sites/build-site-experiments.ts .PHONY: build-site-docs build-site-docs: rm -rf ./dist/sites/ ${NPX} typedoc src/cubing/*/index.ts cp -R ./src/docs/* ./dist/sites/ @echo "\n\nNote: The docs are deployed to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions when a commit is pushed to the \`main\` branch:\n" .PHONY: generate-js generate-js: generate-js-parsers generate-js-svg .PHONY: generate-js-parsers generate-js-parsers: ${NPX} peggy --format es src/cubing/kpuzzle/parser/parser-peggy.peggy .PHONY: generate-js-svg generate-js-svg: @echo "TODO: Generating JS for SVGs is not implemented yet." .PHONY: dev dev: quick-setup ${BUN_RUN} ./script/build/sites/dev.ts .PHONY: link link: build npm link .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf \ dist .temp coverage script/bin/screenshot-src/main.js \ ./alg ./bluetooth ./kpuzzle ./notation ./protocol ./puzzle-geometry ./puzzles ./scramble ./search ./stream ./twisty .PHONY: test test: test-info .PHONY: test-info test-info: @echo "Run one of the following." @echo "(Time estimates are based on a fast computer.)" @echo "" @echo " make test-spec (≈2s, unit tests only)" @echo "" @echo " make test-src (≈5s, includes \`make test-spec\`)" @echo " make test-build (≈13s)" @echo " make test-dist (≈10s)" @echo "" @echo " make test-all (≈27s, runs all of the above)" @echo " make test-fast (≈2s, runs a subset of the above)" @echo "" # The following deps are in a custom order so that the more "useful" tests are first. # In case of failure, this is likely to be more helpful. .PHONY: test-fast test-fast: \ build-lib-js test-spec-bun build-bin build-sites \ lint \ test-src-import-restrictions test-src-scripts-consistency \ test-dist-lib-plain-esbuild-compat \ test-dist-bin-shebang .PHONY: test-all test-all: test-src test-build test-dist .PHONY: test-src test-src: \ test-spec \ lint-ci \ test-src-tsc \ test-src-import-restrictions \ test-src-scripts-consistency # keep CI.yml in sync with this .PHONY: test-spec test-spec: test-spec-bun test-spec-dom .PHONY: test-spec-bun test-spec-bun: ${BUN} test .PHONY: test-spec-bun-with-coverage test-spec-bun-with-coverage: ${BUN} test .PHONY: test-spec-dom test-spec-dom: ${WEB_TEST_RUNNER} --playwright .PHONY: test-spec-dom-with-coverage test-spec-dom-with-coverage: ${WEB_TEST_RUNNER} --playwright --coverage .PHONY: test-src-import-restrictions test-src-import-restrictions: build-lib-js ${BUN_RUN} ./script/test/src/import-restrictions/main.ts .PHONY: test-src-tsc test-src-tsc: ${NPX} tsc --project ./tsconfig.json .PHONY: test-src-scripts-consistency test-src-scripts-consistency: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/test/src/scripts-consistency/main.ts .PHONY: fix-src-scripts-consistency fix-src-scripts-consistency: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/test/src/scripts-consistency/main.ts --fix .PHONY: test-build test-build: \ build-lib-js \ build-bin \ build-lib-types \ build-sites \ build-site-docs # keep CI.yml in sync with this .PHONY: test-dist test-dist: test-dist-lib test-dist-bin .PHONY: test-dist-lib test-dist-lib: \ test-dist-lib-node-import \ test-dist-lib-node-scramble-all-events \ test-dist-lib-perf \ test-dist-lib-plain-esbuild-compat \ test-dist-lib-build-size \ test-dist-sites-experiments # keep CI.yml in sync with this .PHONY: test-dist-lib-node-import test-dist-lib-node-import: build-lib-js ${NODE} script/test/dist/lib/cubing/node/import/main.js .PHONY: test-dist-lib-node-scramble-all-events test-dist-lib-node-scramble-all-events: build-lib-js ${NODE} script/test/dist/lib/cubing/node/scramble-all-events/main.js .PHONY: test-dist-lib-perf test-dist-lib-perf: build-lib-js ${NODE} script/test/dist/lib/cubing/perf/*.js .PHONY: test-dist-lib-plain-esbuild-compat test-dist-lib-plain-esbuild-compat: build-lib-js ${BUN_RUN} script/test/dist/lib/cubing/plain-esbuild-compat/main.ts .PHONY: test-dist-lib-build-size test-dist-lib-build-size: build-lib-js ${BUN_RUN} ./script/test/dist/lib/cubing/build-size/main.ts .PHONY: test-dist-sites-experiments test-dist-sites-experiments: build-sites ${NODE} ./script/test/dist/sites/ .PHONY: test-dist-bin test-dist-bin: test-dist-bin-shebang test-dist-bin-npm-exec .PHONY: test-dist-bin-shebang test-dist-bin-shebang: build-bin # Note: we're not testing the output, just that these don't exit with an error. time dist/bin/order.js 3x3x3 "R U R'" time dist/bin/puzzle-geometry-bin.js --svg 2x2x2 time dist/bin/scramble.js 222 .PHONY: test-dist-bin-npm-exec test-dist-bin-npm-exec: build-bin time npm exec scramble -- 222 .PHONY: format format: ${BIOME} format --write ./script ./src .PHONY: setup setup: npm ci .PHONY: quick-setup quick-setup: | node_modules .PHONY: lint lint: ${BIOME} check ./script ./src .PHONY: lint-ci lint-ci: ${BIOME} ci ./script ./src .PHONY: prepack prepack: clean build test-dist-lib-node-import test-dist-lib-plain-esbuild-compat .PHONY: prepublishOnly prepublishOnly: test-all .PHONY: postpublish postpublish: update-cdn update-create-cubing-app deploy .PHONY: deploy deploy: deploy-twizzle deploy-experiments .PHONY: deploy-twizzle deploy-twizzle: build-site-twizzle ${BUN_RUN} script/deploy/twizzle.ts .PHONY: deploy-experiments deploy-experiments: build-site-experiments ${BUN_RUN} script/deploy/experiments.ts .PHONY: roll-vendored-twsearch roll-vendored-twsearch: test -d ../twsearch/ || exit cd ../twsearch/ && make clean build/esm rm -rf src/cubing/vendor/mpl/twsearch/* cp -R ../twsearch/build/esm/* src/cubing/vendor/mpl/twsearch/ ${BUN_RUN} script/fix-vendored-twsearch.ts .PHONY: update-create-cubing-app update-create-cubing-app: cd ../create-cubing-app && make roll-cubing-commit && git push .PHONY: update-cdn update-cdn: @echo "--------------------------------" @echo "Updating CDN to the latest \`cubing.js\` release, per:" @echo "" @echo "" test -d ../ || exit cd ../ && make roll-cubing ######## Only in `Makefile` ######## # Not .PHONY(!) node_modules: ${BUN_RUN} ./script/quick-setup/main.ts .PHONY: publish .PHONY: publish publish: npm publish .PHONY: pack .PHONY: pack pack: # Note that we need to use `./dist/` rather than `./dist/pack/`, because `make # prepack` removes the entire `./dist/` folder (but creates a new `./dist/` # folder). This prevents us from creating a `./dist/pack/` folder (or # similarly, `./.temp/pack/` folder) that will stick around long enough for # `npm pack` to use. The simplest is just to place the result directly in # `./dist/`. npm pack --pack-destination ./dist/