## Malbolge interpreter in Rust ('&%:9]!~}|z2Vxwv-,POqponl$Hjig%eB@@>}= ### What on earth? That right there is a Hello World in Malbolge. What you are looking at is a language which is something worse than all languages out there. It's more esoteric than Brainfu*k and it is even harder to read and write than its friend Befunge. Malbolge is a self-modifying programming language that is made to be deliberately difficult to program in and close to impossible to read. You could easily mistake it for a crypto-system although some researchers have made the case for it. But you probably could not have determined that this code alone prints out 'Hello!' ``` (=<`#9]76Z{z2V0/S-Qr*)M:,+*)('&%$#"!~}|{z(Kw%$t"Vq0iAm,,j