# A demo rust library this is a demo rust library published on crates.io you may have a look of source code in this repo how a minimal rust library could look like to use this library add `malik_sum = "0.1.4"` in your cargo.toml file in dependency section you cargo.toml file should look like this now: ``` [package] name = "project1" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Mohammad Inzamam Malik "] edition = "2018" [dependencies] malik_sum = "0.1.4" ``` and then in `src/main.rs` you may do something like this: ``` extern crate malik_sum; fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); println!("add: {}", malik_sum::add(2, 6)); println!("subtract: {}", malik_sum::subtract(2, 6)); println!("multiply: {}", malik_sum::multiply(2, 6)); println!("divide: {}", malik_sum::divide(2, 6)); println!("power: {}", malik_sum::power(2, 6)); } ``` now do `cargo run` to see the results. you may contact me on malikasinger@gmail.com incase you need rust consultancy or you have a project to be done in rust, you may also check my upwork profile here: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~014998370bf4b28c01 you may become my fan on facebook: https://web.facebook.com/malikasinger best regards, M. Inzamam Malik