# Default root ACR resource for the user account @prefix acl: . @prefix acp: . <> a acp:AccessControlResource ; acp:resource <{{storage_root_res_uri}}> ; acp:accessControl <#owner_grant>, # The homepage is readable by the public. [ a acp:AccessControl ; acp:apply [ a acp:Policy ; acp:allow acl:Read ; acp:anyOf [ a acp:Matcher ; acp:agent acp:PublicAgent ; ] ] ]; # The owner has full access to every resource in their pod. acp:memberAccessControl <#owner_grant>. <#owner_grant> a acp:AccessControl ; acp:apply [ a acp:Policy ; acp:allow acl:Read, acl:Write, acl:Control ; acp:anyOf [ a acp:Matcher ; acp:agent <{{owner_id}}>; ] ].