# Contribution Guide Thank you for considering contributing. Please review the guidelines below before making a contribution. ## Reporting Issues Before reporting, please check if an issue with the same content already exists. ### Reporting Bugs When reporting a bug, please include the following information: - Application version - Terminal emulator and version being used - Instructions to replicate the bug you found like : do x then y happens - if posibble an error message found in the `manga-tui-error-logs.txt` file located where the `manga-tui` directory is, if you don't know the location of this directory run: ```shell manga-tui --data-dir # or manga-tui -d ``` ### Suggesting Features New features are always welcome but they need to have a issue associated first to discuss ways for a feature to be implemented, what the feature would do and how it would be implemented ### Issues related to image rendering On terminals which implement image protocols such as [Wezterm](https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/index.html) [iTerm2](https://iterm2.com/) there may be issues with how images are render, I have only used Wezterm on linux
`manga-tui` will not render images on any other terminal that does not have image protocol, keep this in mind before making a issue about the image support ## Pull Requests Before making a pull request, please make an issue and then either fork this repo or make a branch that is intended to solve the issue