use std::{ collections::HashSet, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use mantra_schema::{ coverage::TestState, requirements::{ReqId, Requirement}, traces::TracePk, Line, }; use time::{OffsetDateTime, PrimitiveDateTime}; use crate::{cmd::review::VerifiedRequirement, db::MantraDb}; use super::{coverage::iso8601_str_to_offsetdatetime, review::Review}; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum ReportError { #[error("{}", .0)] Db(sqlx::Error), #[error("Failed to serialize report data.")] Serialize, #[error("Failed to generate the report. Make sure the report template is valid.")] Tera, #[error("Failed to format date/time for the report name.")] Format, #[error("Failed to write the report.")] Write, #[error("Failed to read the given template.")] Template, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, clap::Args)] pub struct ReportConfig { pub path: PathBuf, #[arg(long)] pub template: Option, #[arg(long)] pub formats: Vec, #[command(flatten)] pub project: Project, #[command(flatten)] pub tag: Tag, /// Path to a Tera template that is used to render the custom info of requirements. #[arg(long)] pub info_template: Option, /// Path to a Tera template that is used to render the custom metadata of test-runs. #[arg(long)] pub test_run_template: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, clap::Args)] pub struct Project { #[arg(id = "project-name", long = "project-name")] pub name: Option, #[arg(id = "project-version", long = "project-version")] pub version: Option, #[arg(id = "project-link", long = "project-link")] pub link: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, clap::Args)] pub struct Tag { #[arg(id = "tag-name", long = "tag-name")] pub name: Option, #[arg(id = "tag-link", long = "tag-link")] pub link: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, clap::ValueEnum)] pub enum ReportFormat { Html, Json, } pub async fn report(db: &MantraDb, cfg: ReportConfig) -> Result<(), ReportError> { let mut filepath = if cfg.path.extension().is_some() { cfg.path } else { let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc(); let format = time::macros::format_description!("[year][month][day]_[hour]h[minute]m[second]s"); let filename = format!( "{}_mantra_report.html", now.format(format).map_err(|_| ReportError::Format)? ); cfg.path.join(filename) }; let formats: HashSet = HashSet::from_iter(cfg.formats.into_iter()); for format in formats { let report = match format { ReportFormat::Html => { filepath.set_extension("html"); let template_content = match &cfg.template { Some(template) => tokio::fs::read_to_string(template) .await .map_err(|_| ReportError::Template)?, None => include_str!("report_default_template.html").to_string(), }; create_tera_report( db, &cfg.project, &cfg.tag, cfg.info_template.as_deref(), cfg.test_run_template.as_deref(), &template_content, ) .await? } ReportFormat::Json => { filepath.set_extension("json"); create_json_report( db, &cfg.project, &cfg.tag, cfg.info_template.as_deref(), cfg.test_run_template.as_deref(), ) .await? } }; tokio::fs::write(&filepath, report) .await .map_err(|_| ReportError::Write)?; } Ok(()) } pub async fn create_tera_report( db: &MantraDb, project: &Project, tag: &Tag, info_template: Option<&Path>, test_run_template: Option<&Path>, template: &str, ) -> Result { let context = tera::Context::from_serialize( ReportContext::try_from(db, project, tag, info_template, test_run_template).await?, ) .map_err(|_| ReportError::Tera)?; tera::Tera::one_off(template, &context, true).map_err(|_| ReportError::Tera) } pub async fn create_json_report( db: &MantraDb, project: &Project, tag: &Tag, info_template: Option<&Path>, test_run_template: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result { let report = ReportContext::try_from(db, project, tag, info_template, test_run_template).await?; serde_json::to_string_pretty(&report).map_err(|_| ReportError::Serialize) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct ReportContext { pub project: Project, pub tag: Tag, pub overview: RequirementsOverview, pub requirements: Vec, pub tests: TestStatistics, pub reviews: Vec, pub trace_criteria: &'static str, pub test_coverage_criteria: &'static str, #[serde( serialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::serialize", deserialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::deserialize" )] pub creation_date: OffsetDateTime, pub validation: ValidationInfo, pub unrelated: Unrelated, } impl ReportContext { pub async fn try_from( db: &MantraDb, project: &Project, tag: &Tag, info_template: Option<&Path>, test_run_template: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result { let overview = RequirementsOverview::try_from(db).await?; let req_records = sqlx::query!("select id from Requirements order by id") .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut requirements = Vec::new(); for req in req_records { requirements.push(RequirementInfo::try_from(db,, info_template).await?); } let tests = TestStatistics::try_from(db, test_run_template).await?; let review_records = sqlx::query!("select name, date from Reviews order by name, date") .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut reviews = Vec::new(); for review in review_records { let date = PrimitiveDateTime::parse(&, &super::REVIEW_DATE_FORMAT) .expect("Review date was added to db in custom review-date format."); reviews.push(Review::try_from(db,, date).await?); } let trace_criteria = "Requirements are traced if one of the following criteria is met: - A trace directly referring to the requirement exists (Directly traced) - All of the sub-requirements of the requirement are traced (Indirectly traced)"; let test_coverage_criteria = "Requirements are covered through a test if one of the following criteria is met: - At least one direct trace to the requirement was reached during test execution (Direct coverage) - All sub-requirements of the requirement were covered by the test (Indirect coverage) Requirements are passed if all of the following criteria are met: - The requirement is covered at least once - All tests covering the requirement passed - All tests covering child requirements of the requirement passed"; let creation_date = OffsetDateTime::now_utc(); let validation = ValidationInfo::try_from(db).await?; let unrelated = Unrelated::try_from(db).await?; Ok(Self { project: project.clone(), tag: tag.clone(), overview, requirements, tests, reviews, trace_criteria, test_coverage_criteria, creation_date, validation, unrelated, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct ValidationInfo { pub is_valid: bool, pub criteria: &'static str, pub invalid_reqs: Vec, } impl ValidationInfo { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb) -> Result { let validation_criteria = "The collected data is valid if no *deprecated* requirement is traced."; let is_valid = db.is_valid().await.is_ok(); if is_valid { Ok(Self { is_valid, criteria: validation_criteria, invalid_reqs: vec![], }) } else { let invalid_records = sqlx::query!(r#"select id as "id!" from InvalidRequirements"#) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let invalid_reqs = invalid_records.into_iter().map(|r|; Ok(Self { is_valid, criteria: validation_criteria, invalid_reqs, }) } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct RequirementsOverview { pub req_cnt: i32, pub traced_cnt: i32, pub traced_ratio: f64, pub covered_cnt: i32, pub covered_ratio: f64, pub passed_cnt: i32, pub passed_ratio: f64, pub verified_cnt: Option, pub verified_ratio: f64, } impl RequirementsOverview { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb) -> Result { let record = sqlx::query!( r#"select req_cnt, traced_cnt, traced_ratio, covered_cnt, covered_ratio, passed_cnt, passed_ratio, verified_cnt as "verified_cnt?: i32", verified_ratio from RequirementCoverageOverview"# ) .fetch_one(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; Ok(Self { req_cnt: record.req_cnt.unwrap_or_default(), traced_cnt: record.traced_cnt.unwrap_or_default(), traced_ratio: record.traced_ratio.unwrap_or_default(), covered_cnt: record.covered_cnt.unwrap_or_default(), covered_ratio: record.covered_ratio.unwrap_or_default(), passed_cnt: record.passed_cnt.unwrap_or_default(), passed_ratio: record.passed_ratio.unwrap_or_default(), verified_cnt: record.verified_cnt, verified_ratio: record.verified_ratio.unwrap_or_default(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct RequirementInfo { #[serde(flatten)] pub meta: Requirement, pub rendered_info: Option, pub parent: Option, pub direct_children: Vec, pub leaf_statistic: Option, pub trace_info: RequirementTraceInfo, pub test_coverage_info: RequirementTestCoverageInfo, pub verified_info: Vec, pub valid: bool, } impl RequirementInfo { pub async fn try_from( db: &MantraDb, id: impl Into, info_template: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result { let id: ReqId = id.into(); // get base info let record = sqlx::query!(r#" select title, link, info, case when id in (select id from DeprecatedRequirements) then true else false end as "deprecated!: bool", case when id in (select id from ManualRequirements) then true else false end as "manual!: bool" from Requirements where id = $1 "#, id).fetch_one(db.pool()).await.map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let title = record.title; let link =; let info = record .info .map(|a| serde_json::from_str(&a).expect("Requirement info must be valid JSON.")); let deprecated = record.deprecated; let manual = record.manual; let record = sqlx::query!( r#" select parent_id from RequirementHierarchies where child_id = $1 "#, id ) .fetch_optional(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let parent =|r| r.parent_id); let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select child_id from RequirementHierarchies where parent_id = $1 order by child_id "#, id ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let children = records.into_iter().map(|r| r.child_id).collect(); let leaf_statistic = LeafChildrenStatistic::try_from(db, &id).await?; let trace_info = RequirementTraceInfo::try_from(db, &id).await?; let test_coverage_info = RequirementTestCoverageInfo::try_from(db, &id).await?; let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select review_name, review_date, comment from ManuallyVerified where req_id = $1 order by review_name, review_date "#, id ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut verified_info = Vec::with_capacity(records.len()); for record in records { verified_info.push(VerifiedRequirementInfo { review_name: record.review_name, review_date: PrimitiveDateTime::parse( &record.review_date, super::REVIEW_DATE_FORMAT, ) .expect("Review date was added to db in custom review-date format."), comment: record.comment, }); } let valid = sqlx::query!( r#" select * from InvalidRequirements where id = $1 "#, id ) .fetch_optional(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)? .is_none(); let rendered_info = if let Some(template) = info_template { let template_content = tokio::fs::read_to_string(template) .await .map_err(|_| ReportError::Template)?; if let Some(value) = &info { let context = tera::Context::from_serialize(value) .expect("Requirement info value is valid JSON."); let rendered = tera::Tera::one_off(&template_content, &context, true) .map_err(|_| ReportError::Tera)?; Some(rendered) } else { None } } else { None }; Ok(Self { meta: Requirement { id, title, link, manual, deprecated, info, }, parent, rendered_info, direct_children: children, leaf_statistic, trace_info, test_coverage_info, verified_info, valid, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct LeafChildrenStatistic { leaf_cnt: i32, traced_leaf_cnt: i32, traced_leaf_ratio: f64, covered_leaf_cnt: i32, covered_leaf_ratio: f64, passed_covered_leaf_cnt: i32, passed_covered_leaf_ratio: f64, } impl LeafChildrenStatistic { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb, id: &str) -> Result, ReportError> { sqlx::query_as!( LeafChildrenStatistic, r#" select leaf_cnt as "leaf_cnt!: i32", traced_leaf_cnt as "traced_leaf_cnt!: i32", traced_leaf_ratio as "traced_leaf_ratio!: f64", covered_leaf_cnt as "covered_leaf_cnt!: i32", covered_leaf_ratio as "covered_leaf_ratio!: f64", passed_covered_leaf_cnt as "passed_covered_leaf_cnt!: i32", passed_covered_leaf_ratio as "passed_covered_leaf_ratio!: f64" from LeafChildOverview where id = $1 "#, id ) .fetch_optional(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct RequirementTraceInfo { pub traced: bool, pub fully_traced: bool, pub direct_traces: Vec, pub indirect_traces: Vec, } impl RequirementTraceInfo { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb, id: &str) -> Result { let records = sqlx::query_as!( TraceLocation, r#" select filepath, line as "line: Line" from Traces where req_id = $1 order by filepath, line "#, id ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let direct_traces = records; let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select traced_id as "traced_id!", traces as "traces!: String" from IndirectTraceTree where id = $1 order by traced_id "#, id ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut indirect_traces = Vec::with_capacity(records.len()); for record in records { indirect_traces.push(IndirectTraceInfo { traced_id: record.traced_id, traces: serde_json::from_str(&record.traces) .expect("Traces extracted as JSON from DB."), }) } let fully_traced = sqlx::query!( r#" select * from FullyTracedRequirements where id = $1 "#, id ) .fetch_optional(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)? .is_some(); Ok(Self { traced: !direct_traces.is_empty() || !indirect_traces.is_empty(), fully_traced, direct_traces, indirect_traces, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, sqlx::Type)] pub struct TraceLocation { pub filepath: String, pub line: Line, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct IndirectTraceInfo { pub traced_id: String, pub traces: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct RequirementTestCoverageInfo { pub covered: bool, pub passed: bool, pub fully_covered: bool, pub direct_coverage: Vec, pub indirect_coverage: Vec, } impl RequirementTestCoverageInfo { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb, id: &str) -> Result { let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select test_run_name, test_run_date, tests as "tests!: String" from DirectCoverageTree where id = $1 order by test_run_name, test_run_date "#, id ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut direct_coverage = Vec::with_capacity(records.len()); for record in records { direct_coverage.push(TestCoverageTestRunInfo { name: record.test_run_name, date: iso8601_str_to_offsetdatetime(&record.test_run_date), tests: serde_json::from_str(&record.tests) .expect("Tests extracted as JSON from DB."), }) } let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select covered_id, test_runs as "test_runs!: String" from IndirectTestCoverageTree where id = $1 order by covered_id "#, id ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut indirect_coverage = Vec::with_capacity(records.len()); for record in records { indirect_coverage.push(IndirectTestCoverageInfo { covered_id: record.covered_id, test_runs: serde_json::from_str(&record.test_runs) .expect("Test runs extracted as JSON from DB."), }) } let passed = sqlx::query!( " select * from PassedCoveredRequirements where id = $1 ", id ) .fetch_one(db.pool()) .await .ok() .is_some(); let fully_covered = sqlx::query!( r#" select * from FullyCoveredRequirements where id = $1 "#, id ) .fetch_optional(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)? .is_some(); Ok(Self { covered: !direct_coverage.is_empty() || !indirect_coverage.is_empty(), passed, fully_covered, direct_coverage, indirect_coverage, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestCoverageTestRunInfo { pub name: String, #[serde( serialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::serialize", deserialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::deserialize" )] pub date: OffsetDateTime, pub tests: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestCoverageTestInfo { pub name: String, pub passed: bool, pub traces: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct IndirectTestCoverageInfo { pub covered_id: String, pub test_runs: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct VerifiedRequirementInfo { pub review_name: String, #[serde(with = "super::review_date_format")] pub review_date: PrimitiveDateTime, pub comment: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestStatistics { pub overview: TestsOverview, pub test_runs: Vec, } impl TestStatistics { pub async fn try_from( db: &MantraDb, test_run_template: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result { let overview = TestsOverview::try_from(db).await?; let test_run_records = sqlx::query!( " select name, date from TestRuns order by name, date " ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut test_runs = Vec::new(); for test_run in test_run_records { let date = iso8601_str_to_offsetdatetime(&; test_runs .push(TestRunInfo::try_from(db,, date, test_run_template).await?); } Ok(Self { overview, test_runs, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestsOverview { pub test_cnt: i32, pub ran_cnt: i32, pub ran_ratio: f64, pub passed_cnt: i32, pub passed_ratio: f64, pub failed_cnt: i32, pub failed_ratio: f64, pub skipped_cnt: i32, pub skipped_ratio: f64, } impl TestsOverview { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( TestsOverview, r#" select test_cnt as "test_cnt!: i32", ran_cnt as "ran_cnt!: i32", ran_ratio as "ran_ratio!: f64", passed_cnt as "passed_cnt!: i32", passed_ratio as "passed_ratio!: f64", failed_cnt as "failed_cnt!: i32", failed_ratio as "failed_ratio!: f64", skipped_cnt as "skipped_cnt!: i32", skipped_ratio as "skipped_ratio!: f64" from OverallTestOverview "# ) .fetch_one(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestRunInfo { pub overview: TestRunOverview, pub name: String, #[serde( serialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::serialize", deserialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::deserialize" )] pub date: OffsetDateTime, pub meta: Option, pub rendered_meta: Option, pub logs: Option, pub tests: Vec, } impl TestRunInfo { pub async fn try_from( db: &MantraDb, name: impl Into, date: OffsetDateTime, test_run_template: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result { let name: String = name.into(); let overview = TestRunOverview::try_from(db, &name, &date).await?; let test_records = sqlx::query!( r#" select name, passed as "passed!: bool", skipped as "skipped!: bool", reason as "reason?: String", filepath, line as "line: Line" from ( select name, filepath, line, passed, false as skipped, null as reason from Tests where test_run_name = $1 and test_run_date = $2 union all select name, filepath, line, false as passed, true as skipped, reason from SkippedTests where test_run_name = $1 and test_run_date = $2 ) order by name, filepath, line "#, name, date ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut test_info = Vec::new(); for test in test_records { let covers = sqlx::query!( " select req_id from TestCoverage where test_run_name = $1 and test_run_date = $2 and test_name = $3 order by req_id ", name, date, ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)? .into_iter() .map(|r| r.req_id) .collect(); let state = if test.passed { TestState::Passed } else if test.skipped { TestState::Skipped { reason: test.reason, } } else { TestState::Failed }; test_info.push(TestInfo { covers, name:, filepath: PathBuf::from(test.filepath), line: test.line, state, }) } let record = sqlx::query!( r#" select meta, logs from TestRuns where name = $1 and date = $2 "#, name, date ) .fetch_one(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let meta = record .meta .map(|m| serde_json::from_str(&m).expect("Test run meta data must be valid JSON.")); let rendered_meta = if let Some(template) = test_run_template { let template_content = tokio::fs::read_to_string(template) .await .map_err(|_| ReportError::Template)?; if let Some(value) = &meta { let context = tera::Context::from_serialize(value) .expect("Test-run meta value is valid JSON."); let rendered = tera::Tera::one_off(&template_content, &context, true) .map_err(|_| ReportError::Tera)?; Some(rendered) } else { None } } else { None }; Ok(Self { overview, name, date, meta, rendered_meta, logs: record.logs, tests: test_info, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestRunOverview { pub test_cnt: i64, pub ran_cnt: i64, pub ran_ratio: f64, pub passed_cnt: i64, pub passed_ratio: f64, pub failed_cnt: i64, pub failed_ratio: f64, pub skipped_cnt: i64, pub skipped_ratio: f64, } impl TestRunOverview { pub async fn try_from( db: &MantraDb, name: &str, date: &OffsetDateTime, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( TestRunOverview, r#" select test_cnt as "test_cnt!: i32", ran_cnt as "ran_cnt!: i32", ran_ratio as "ran_ratio!: f64", passed_cnt as "passed_cnt!: i32", passed_ratio as "passed_ratio!: f64", failed_cnt as "failed_cnt!: i32", failed_ratio as "failed_ratio!: f64", skipped_cnt as "skipped_cnt!: i32", skipped_ratio as "skipped_ratio!: f64" from TestRunOverview where name = $1 and date = $2 "#, name, date ) .fetch_one(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TestInfo { /// List of requirements that are covered by this test. pub covers: Vec, pub name: String, pub filepath: PathBuf, pub line: Line, pub state: TestState, } impl Review { pub async fn try_from( db: &MantraDb, name: impl Into, date: PrimitiveDateTime, ) -> Result { let name: String = name.into(); let requirements = sqlx::query_as!( VerifiedRequirement, " select req_id as id, comment from ManuallyVerified where review_name = $1 and review_date = $2 order by req_id ", name, date ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let record = sqlx::query!( " select reviewer, comment from Reviews where name = $1 and date = $2 ", name, date ) .fetch_one(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; Ok(Review { name, date, reviewer: record.reviewer, comment: record.comment, requirements, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Unrelated { pub traces: Vec, pub coverage: Vec, pub verified_requirements: Vec, } impl Unrelated { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb) -> Result { let traces = sqlx::query_as!( TracePk, r#" select req_id, filepath, line as "line!: u32" from UnrelatedTraces "# ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let coverage = UnrelatedCoverage::try_from(db).await?; let verified = UnrelatedVerified::try_from(db).await?; Ok(Self { traces, coverage, verified_requirements: verified, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UnrelatedCoverage { pub test_run_name: String, #[serde( serialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::serialize", deserialize_with = "time::serde::iso8601::deserialize" )] pub test_run_date: OffsetDateTime, pub test_name: String, pub req_id: String, pub trace_filepath: PathBuf, pub trace_line: Line, } impl UnrelatedCoverage { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb) -> Result, ReportError> { let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select test_run_name, test_run_date, test_name, req_id, trace_filepath, trace_line as "trace_line!: u32" from UnrelatedTestCoverage "#, ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut unrelated = Vec::new(); for record in records { unrelated.push(UnrelatedCoverage { test_run_name: record.test_run_name, test_run_date: iso8601_str_to_offsetdatetime(&record.test_run_date), test_name: record.test_name, req_id: record.req_id, trace_filepath: PathBuf::from(record.trace_filepath), trace_line: record.trace_line, }) } Ok(unrelated) } } time::serde::format_description!( review_date_format, PrimitiveDateTime, mantra_schema::reviews::REVIEW_DATE_FORMAT ); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct UnrelatedVerified { pub review_name: String, #[serde(with = "review_date_format")] pub review_date: PrimitiveDateTime, pub req_id: String, pub comment: Option, } impl UnrelatedVerified { pub async fn try_from(db: &MantraDb) -> Result, ReportError> { let records = sqlx::query!( r#" select * from UnrelatedManuallyVerified "#, ) .fetch_all(db.pool()) .await .map_err(ReportError::Db)?; let mut unrelated = Vec::new(); for record in records { unrelated.push(UnrelatedVerified { review_name: record.review_name, review_date: mantra_schema::reviews::date_from_str(&record.review_date) .expect("Review date was serialized before."), req_id: record.req_id, comment: record.comment, }); } Ok(unrelated) } }