Atomicity Levels (features): store sub_store atomicity levels: namespace sub_namespace value Other Possible Combinations: store_value namespace_value sub_namespace_value store_aml or sub_store_aml If store_aml is specified as a feature then at least one of types and a sync type and a non-sync hashmap must be specified also, the instance of sync type will posess all user data hashmaps. If sub_store_aml is specified as a feature then if one or more of the types is specified then a sync type and a non-sync hashmap or a sync hashmap must also be specified and this with be for all specified user types. Depending on how user types were specified exceptions or additions can be made that deviate from the default types if any were specified. store features: user type: all_types char f32 f64 i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize string u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 unit_value usize whatever collections... sync-method: mutex rwLock actrusty_actor async_mutex async_rwLock sync type: std_mutex std_rwlock crossbeam_shardedlock (rwlock like) parking_lot_fairmutex parking_lot_mutex parking_lot_rwlock tokio_mutex tokio_rwlock Actrusty_actors (sync-types) st_io_actor ts_io_actor ttsb_io_actor map types: std_hashmap (store & sub_store - namespace level) //hashbrown_hashmap (store & sub_store - namespace level) scc_hashmap (sync - sub_namespace level) scc_hashindex (sync - sub_namespace level) scc_treeindex (sync - sub_namespace level) dashmap (sync - sub_namespace level) sub_namespace hashmaps: scc_hashmap dashmap scc_hashindex scc_treeindex sets: std_hashset (non-sync) hashbrown_hashset (non-sync) scc_hashset (sync - value level) dashset (sync - value level) sub_store features: Exeptions to sepecified defaults or additions to what has been specified can be added as follows: _ If the map type is not sync the sync type for the user type will also need to be specified if it isn't cover by the default specification. Value Type Features: Default Actor Value Types: _value User Type Specific Actor Value Types: __value Arcs: arc_value arc__value Applicable only to collections and atomics When used with collections creates a sitiaution where the collection is stored in the arc and replaced when it needs to be mutated. Atomics: atomic_value atomic__value Applicable only to user types which have std atomic counterparts sync type values: _value User Type Specific Actor Value Types: __value