# maptiler-cloud Rust wrapper around the [Maptiler Cloud](https://cloud.maptiler.com/maps/) API Supports requesting all currently available tilesets Tiles are requested using the [Tiled Web Map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiled_web_map) format. X and Y coordinates are specified, and a zoom level is specified. ## Example Usage ```rust #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Create a new Maptiler Cloud session // Use your own API key from Maptiler Cloud let maptiler = maptiler_cloud::Maptiler::new("placeholder api key").unwrap(); // Create a new tile request let x = 2; let y = 1; let zoom = 2; let tile_request = maptiler_cloud::TileRequest::new( maptiler_cloud::TileSet::Satellite, x, y, zoom ).unwrap(); // Create the request using the Maptiler session let constructed = maptiler.create_request(tile_request); // Actually perform the request to get the data let satellite_jpg = constructed.execute().await.unwrap(); // Check for JPEG file magic to make sure we got an image assert_eq!(&satellite_jpg[0..3], &[0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF]); } ``` From there, most users will write those bytes to a file, or load them into another function that will be able to display the image from the raw JPEG bytes.