# MapVas A **map** can**vas** showing [OSM](https://openstreetmap.org) tiles with drawing functionality. The repo contains two binaries, - mapvas: the map window - mapcat: an equivalent to [cat]() to draw polygons on the map. ## Setup Make sure you have the nighly Rust toolchain installed. - [Install Rust](https://rustup.rs). Manually: - Clone this repository. - `cd mapvas ; cargo install --path . --locked` Via cargo from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/mapvas): - `cargo install mapvas --locked` Via brew on MacOs: - `brew tap udho/mapvas && brew install mapvas` ## Usage ### mapvas Start `mapvas` and a map window will appear. ![mapvas](https://github.com/UdHo/mapvas/blob/master/mapvas.png) |Functionality | Description | |--------------|-------------| | zoom | Use the mouse wheel or +/- | | focus to drawn elements | f centers the drawn elements | | moving | Left mouse and dragging or arrow keys | | paste | pressing v will paste the clipboard into the grep parser | | pasting file data | dropping a file on the map will draw the contents on the map | | information about element | right click near an element with label will show the label. L will use the current mouse position for poor mac users. | | screenshot | the S key takes a screenshot of the currently displayed area | | delete (Fn+delete on Mac) | clears the canvas | ### mapcat Mapcat currently reads only input from stdin and reads it line by line and pipes and uses it using various [parser](https://github.com/UdHo/mapvas/tree/master/src/parser). It then shows the parsed result on a single instance of mapvas, which it spawns if none is running. #### Grep (default) This parser greps for coordinates latitude and longitude as float in a line. In addition it supports colors and filling of polygons. The input can come from a pipe or from files. ``` mapcat ``` Examples: - draws a point at Berlin Alexanderplatz: ``` echo "52.521853, 13.413015" | mapcat ``` - draws a line between Berlin and Cologne and a red line between Cologne and Amsterdam: ``` echo "50.942878, 6.957936 52.521853, 13.413015 green\n 50.942878, 6.957936 52.373520, 4.899766 red" | mapcat ``` - draws a yellow polyline Cologne-Berlin-Amsterdam: ``` echo "50.942878, 6.957936 random garbage words 52.521853, 13.413015 yellow spaces after the coordinate-comma is not important: 52.373520,4.899766" | mapcat ``` - draws a blue transparently filled polygon Cologne-Berlin-Amsterdam note that a fill ("transparent" or "solid"): ``` echo "50.942878, 6.957936 52.521853, 13.413015 52.373520,4.899766 blue transparent" | mapcat ``` Filling a polyline causes it to be drawn as closed polygon. - --invert-coordinates (-i) reverses the order of lat/lon: ``` echo "13.413015, 52.521853" | mapcat -i ``` - clears all elements from the map. ``` echo "clear" | mapcat ``` The -r parameter clears the map before drawing new elements. ``` echo "52.5,12.5" | mapcat -r ``` - --label-pattern (-l) defines a label pattern. A near label is shown when right click on the map happens. The label is copied (when shown) via the c key. The label requires exactly one capture group to be in the pattern. Default is `"(.*)"` which captures everything. ``` echo "52.4,12.4" | mapcat -l "(.*)" ``` - --focus (-f) zooms and pans to show all elements on the map. - `--screenshot ` takes a screenshot of the map. If the mapvas is not already running it should probably be combined with `-f`. #### Random (for performance testing) Draws a random polyline of a given length. The following command draws a random walk consisting of 20000 polylines of a random length between 1 and 10. ``` echo "20000" | mapcat -p random ``` #### TTJson Draws routes or ranges from the [TomTom routing api](https://developer.tomtom.com/routing-api/documentation/routing/routing-service). ``` curl 'https://api.tomtom.com/routing/1...' | mapcat -p ttjson -c green ``` ### Advanced usage #### Offline usage To cache tile images for future runs set the environment variable `TILECACHE` to an existing directory. ``` mkdir ~/.tilecache export TILECACHE=~/.tilecache ``` #### Different map tile url To use tiles from a different provider than [openstreetmap] you can set a templated url. The url must contain `{zoom}`, `{x}`, and `{y}`. The tile provider should return tiles in the [pseudo/spherical-mercator projection](https://epsg.io/3857) in a size of 512x512 pixel. Examples: ``` export MAPVAS_TILE_URL='https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png' export MAPVAS_TILE_URL='https://api.tomtom.com/map/1/tile/basic/main/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?tileSize=512&key=***' export MAPVAS_TILE_URL='https://maps.hereapi.com/v3/background/mc/{zoom}/{x}/{y}/png8?size=512&apiKey=***' ```