#![feature(test)] extern crate sqlite; extern crate test; use sqlite::Value::{Float, Integer}; use sqlite::{Connection, State}; use test::Bencher; macro_rules! ok(($result:expr) => ($result.unwrap())); #[bench] fn read_cursor(bencher: &mut Bencher) { let connection = create(); populate(&connection, 100); let mut cursor = ok!(connection.prepare("SELECT * FROM data WHERE a > ? AND b > ?")).cursor(); bencher.iter(|| { ok!(cursor.bind(&[Integer(42), Float(42.0)])); while let Some(row) = ok!(cursor.next()) { assert!(ok!(row[0].as_integer()) > 42); assert!(ok!(row[1].as_float()) > 42.0); } }) } #[bench] fn read_statement(bencher: &mut Bencher) { let connection = create(); populate(&connection, 100); let mut statement = ok!(connection.prepare("SELECT * FROM data WHERE a > ? AND b > ?")); bencher.iter(|| { ok!(statement.reset()); ok!(statement.bind(1, 42)); ok!(statement.bind(2, 42.0)); while let State::Row = ok!(statement.next()) { assert!(ok!(statement.read::(0)) > 42); assert!(ok!(statement.read::(1)) > 42.0); } }) } #[bench] fn write_cursor(bencher: &mut Bencher) { let connection = create(); let mut cursor = ok!(connection.prepare("INSERT INTO data (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")).cursor(); bencher.iter(|| { ok!(cursor.bind(&[Integer(42), Float(42.0), Float(42.0), Float(42.0)])); ok!(cursor.next()); }) } #[bench] fn write_statement(bencher: &mut Bencher) { let connection = create(); let mut statement = ok!(connection.prepare("INSERT INTO data (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")); bencher.iter(|| { ok!(statement.reset()); ok!(statement.bind(1, 42)); ok!(statement.bind(2, 42.0)); ok!(statement.bind(3, 42.0)); ok!(statement.bind(4, 42.0)); assert_eq!(ok!(statement.next()), State::Done); }) } fn create() -> Connection { let connection = ok!(Connection::open(":memory:")); ok!(connection.execute("CREATE TABLE data (a INTEGER, b REAL, c REAL, d REAL)")); connection } fn populate(connection: &Connection, count: usize) { let mut statement = ok!(connection.prepare("INSERT INTO data (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")); for i in 0..count { ok!(statement.reset()); ok!(statement.bind(1, i as i64)); ok!(statement.bind(2, i as f64)); ok!(statement.bind(3, i as f64)); ok!(statement.bind(4, i as f64)); assert_eq!(ok!(statement.next()), State::Done); } }