# markdown-heading-id Filter for the [`Parser`](https://docs.rs/pulldown-cmark/0.8.0/pulldown_cmark/struct.Parser.html) of crate [`pulldown-cmark`](https://crates.io/crates/pulldown-cmark) This crate provides a filter of [`Parser`](https://docs.rs/pulldown-cmark/0.8.0/pulldown_cmark/struct.Parser.html) which converts headings with custom ID into HTML. It uses the syntax of headings IDs defined in [Extended Syntax of Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/#heading-ids). For example, if we have the following fragment of Markdown ```rust ## Heading {#heading-id} ``` then it is converted into a fragment of HTML below: ```rust


``` ### Usage It is easy to use a filter provided by this crate. `HeadingId` wraps an instance of [`Parser`](https://docs.rs/pulldown-cmark/0.8.0/pulldown_cmark/struct.Parser.html) and it can be passed to [`push_html`](https://docs.rs/pulldown-cmark/0.8.0/pulldown_cmark/html/fn.push_html.html) or [`write_html`](https://docs.rs/pulldown-cmark/0.8.0/pulldown_cmark/html/fn.write_html.html), because `HeadingId` implements the trait `Iterator>`. An example is given below: ```rust use pulldown_cmark::Parser; use pulldown_cmark::html::push_html; use markdown_heading_id::HeadingId; let parser = Parser::new("## Heading {#heading-id}"); let parser = HeadingId::new(parser); let mut buf = String::new(); push_html(&mut buf, parser); assert_eq!(buf.trim_end(), r#"


"#); ``` License: MIT