# Markdown Linkify Replace link shorthands, such as ```md In [PS-128], the issue is described in detail. ``` with actual links. For example, the above could be transformed to: ```md In [PS-128](https://www.company.jira.com/issues/PS-128), the issue is described in detail. ``` Custom replacers exist, so far only for [docs.rs](https://www.docs.rs) and [doc.rust-lang.org/](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/). See `test.md` for the supported expressions. ## Supported link types Supports `[tag]`-style "broken links" and many forms of `[title or empty](tag "optional hover text")`. The specific replacements depend on the matching transformer. ## TODO * [x] code blocks in links * [x] make regex replacer which can be configured by its own file * [x] make regex replacer config files for the existing usecases * [ ] org-mode frontend for agnostic replacers * [ ] local rustdoc replacer * [ ] collect replacer ideas, github issue replacer? * [x] unit tests for replacers, linkify * [ ] documentation * [x] support composite text events * [x] implement LinkMetadata as iterator * [x] figure out how to publish linkify on crates.io * [ ] check how code insertion should actually work * [ ] make replacer API in linkify and make empty playground inserter work with it