# Test File Rust [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#rust:matrix.org) [keyword:struct] [`struct`](keyword:struct) [some text, random](PS-129 "some title") [`test`](PS-129) --- [](GTPR-12355) in a paragraph with text [`hello`](empty) yay! --- some rust stuff is here [](rust:String) uaaau! some other rust stuff about [](rust:Vec) is the function [this function](rust:Vec::append) and its friends. Also [`mpsc::Sender`](rust:std::sync::mpsc::Sender). --- also docs.rs: [](docsrs:https://docs.rs/kord/0.6.1/klib/core/chord/struct.Chord.html) in this case, URL has to be added and title of target page will be placed. here is a text with several text sections: [Provided Methods von String Slices (`&str`)](rust:str) --- [the `&str` type is `cool`](rust:str "yeah") [keyword:let]