# Markdown Parser

😎 This a crate that can parse a markdown file.

Especially when you have front matters in your markdown file, this would help you to parse them.

# Start

It is always easy to use this parser.

Just start to read a markdown file and parse it.

use markdown_parser::{
    read_file, Error

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let md = read_file("$PATH.md")?;
    let content = md.content();
    println!("{}", content);

# Front Matter

`md-parser` have 3 format for `front matter`, which can be confirmed in running time.

enum Format {

These formats are the most popular format for front matters, if you are not included, maybe you need to do parsing work by yourself.

you can goto [documentation]("https://docs.rs/markdown-parser/") to see more about crate.

# Adapt

Sometimes you have to transform your front matter in markdown.

For example, you have this:

date: 2020-01-02
title: it is yaml
  - rust
  - front-matter
  - md


And you need a toml-style front matter for your markdown rendering tasks.

So you have just use feature `adapt` to use transforming task which will load `serde` crates.

version = "*"
features = ["adapt"]

In fact, this task is quite common so feature `adapt` is enabled in default.

Now you can change md file like this:

use markdown_parser::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let origin = read_file("yaml.md")?;
    let md = origin.adapt::<TomlAdapter, BasicObject>()?;