# HTML Tags
# Format:
# Lines prefixed with `#` are comments, uninterpreted
# Comma delimited columns: name, flags (see codes below), description
# Flag codes:
# E :: Empty Tag
# S :: In Strict HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0
# T :: In Transitional HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0
# F :: In frameset annex
# 5 :: In HTML5
# D :: Deprecated
# I :: Inline elements (Note
is not labeled inline.)
# M :: Metadata elements (content not visible text), i.e. head
# B :: Banned/blacklisted elements from which text should not be extracted.
# U :: Currently undefined by our HTML parser provider
# Sources
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element
# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/
# https://www.w3.org/TR/html4/
# https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/
a , S T F 5 I , anchor
abbr , S T F 5 I , abbreviation
acronym , S T F D I , acronym
address , S T F 5 , contact information for the author or owner
applet , T F D , embedded applet
area ,E S T F 5 , area inside an image-map
article , 5 , Structure: an independent content element
aside , 5 , Structure: tengentially related content
audio , 5 I , Sound content
b , S T F 5 I , bold text
base ,E S T F 5 M , default address or target for all links on a page
basefont ,E T F D I M , default font; color; or size for the text in a page
bdi , 5 I , Text isolated from surrounding for BIDI formatting
bdo , S T F 5 I , the text direction
big , S T F D I , big text
blink , D I , blinking text
blockquote , S T F 5 , long quotation
body , S T F 5 , the document's body
br ,E S T F 5 , single line break
button , S T F 5 I B, push button
canvas , 5 I , canvas for drawing graphics and animations
caption , S T F 5 , table caption
center , T F D , centered text
cite , S T F 5 I , citation
code , S T F 5 I , computer code text
col ,E S T F 5 , attribute values for one or more columns in a table
colgroup , S T F 5 , group of columns in a table for formatting
content , D B, Shadow DOM content placeholder element
data , 5 I , adds machine-oriented data representation
datalist , 5 I B, container for option elements
dd , S T F 5 , description of a term in a definition list
del , S T F 5 I , deleted text
details , 5 , optional additional details (also: summary)
dfn , S T F 5 I , definition term
dialog , 5 , dialog box or other interactive component
dir , T F D , directory list
div , S T F 5 , section in a document
dl , S T F 5 , definition list
dt , S T F 5 , term (an item) in a definition list
em , S T F 5 I , emphasized text
embed ,E 5 I , embed content by external app or plug-in
fieldset , S T F 5 B, border around elements in a form
figcaption , 5 , Structure: a figure caption
figure , 5 , Structure: self contained content that can be moved
font , T F D I , font; color; or size for text
footer , 5 , Structure: a footer of a section
form , S T F 5 , form for user input
frame ,E F D B, window (a frame) in a frameset
frameset , F D B, set of frames
h1 , S T F 5 , heading level 1
h2 , S T F 5 , heading level 2
h3 , S T F 5 , heading level 3
h4 , S T F 5 , heading level 4
h5 , S T F 5 , heading level 5
h6 , S T F 5 , heading level 6
head , S T F 5 M , information about the document
header , 5 , Structure: a header of a section
hgroup , 5 , Structure: a group of headings
hr ,E S T F 5 , horizontal line
html , S T F 5 , document
i , S T F 5 I , italic text
iframe , T F 5 I , inline frame
img ,E S T F 5 I , image
input ,E S T F 5 I B, input control
ins , S T F 5 I , inserted text
isindex , T F D , searchable index related to a document
kbd , S T F 5 I , keyboard text
label , S T F 5 I B, label for input or other element
legend , S T F 5 B, caption for a fieldset element
li , S T F 5 , list item
link ,E S T F 5 M , relationship with an external resource
listing , D , preformated text
main , 5 , identify central topic/functional content
map , S T F 5 I , image-map
mark , 5 I , Text marked/highlighted for reference purposes
menu , T F 5 D , menu list
menuitem ,E 5 D , a command in a menu
meta ,E S T F 5 M , metadata
meter , 5 I , a linear guage for a scaler value
nav , 5 , Structure: container for navigational links
nobr , D I , contained text; white-space: nowrap
noframes , T F D B, alternate content where frames not supported
noscript , S T F 5 I B, alternate content script not supported
object , S T F 5 I B, embedded object
ol , S T F 5 , ordered list
optgroup , S T F 5 B, group of related options in a select list
option , S T F 5 B, option in a select list
output , 5 I , content is (scripted) outcome of a user action.
p , S T F 5 , paragraph
param ,E S T F 5 , parameter for an object
picture , 5 I , container for multiple img/source DPI
plaintext , D , like xmp; no close tag
pre , S T F 5 , preformatted text
progress , 5 I , a progress bar
q , S T F 5 I , short quotation
rb , 5 , ruby base text
rbc , 5 U, ruby base container (complex)
rp , 5 , ruby simple text container
rt , 5 , ruby annotation text
rtc , 5 , ruby text container (complex)
ruby , 5 I , ruby pronunciation aid
s , T F 5 D I , strikethrough text
samp , S T F 5 I , sample computer code
script , S T F 5 I B, client-side script
section , 5 , Structure: generic document/application section
select , S T F 5 I B, select list (drop-down list)
slot , 5 I B, (Shadow) DOM placeholder element
small , S T F 5 I , small text
source ,E 5 , source for picture/audio/video elements
span , S T F 5 I , section in a document
strike , T F D I , strikethrough text
strong , S T F 5 I , strong text
style , S T F 5 B, style information for a document
sub , S T F 5 I , subscripted text
summary , 5 , summary of details element
sup , S T F 5 I , superscripted text
svg , 5 , inline scalable vector graphics
table , S T F 5 , table
tbody , S T F 5 , Groups the body content in a table
td , S T F 5 , cell in a table
template , 5 B, html sub-tree notrenderered except by script
textarea , S T F 5 I B, multi-line text input control
tfoot , S T F 5 , Groups the footer content in a table
th , S T F 5 , header cell in a table
thead , S T F 5 , Groups the header content in a table
time , 5 I , A date or time
title , S T F 5 M , the title of a document
tr , S T F 5 , row in a table
tt , S T F D I , teletype text
u , T F 5 D I , underlined text
ul , S T F 5 , unordered list
var , S T F 5 I , variable part of a text
video , 5 I , video container
wbr ,E 5 I , A line break opportunity
xmp , D , preformatted text