use temp_dir::TempDir; extern crate reqwest; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Result; use std::path::Path; use std::io; trait TonicBuilderExtended { fn field_attributes(self: Self, paths: Vec<&str>, attributes: Vec<&str>) -> Self; fn serda_rename( self: Self, path: &str, attributes: Vec<&str>, transform: fn(&str) -> String, ) -> Self; } impl TonicBuilderExtended for tonic_build::Builder { fn field_attributes(self: Self, paths: Vec<&str>, attributes: Vec<&str>) -> Self { let mut instance: Self = self; for path in paths { for attribute in &attributes { instance = instance.field_attribute(path, attribute) } } return instance; } fn serda_rename( self: Self, path: &str, attributes: Vec<&str>, transform: fn(&str) -> String, ) -> Self { let mut instance: Self = self; for attribute in attributes { instance = instance.field_attribute( format!("{}.{}", path, attribute), format!("#[serde(rename = \"{}\")]", transform(attribute)), ) } instance } } fn main() -> Result<()> { if !Path::new("src/").exists() { let marketstore_proto_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let mut marketstore_poto = reqwest::blocking::get( "", ) .expect("failed to downalod marketstore.proto"); let marketstore_poto_local_path = marketstore_proto_dir.child("marketstore.proto"); let mut marketstore_poto_file = File::create(&marketstore_poto_local_path.to_str().unwrap()) .expect("failed to create file"); io::copy(&mut marketstore_poto, &mut marketstore_poto_file) .expect("failed to copy content"); fs::create_dir_all("src")?; tonic_build::configure() .build_server(false) .build_client(true) .out_dir(&"src") .compile( &[marketstore_poto_local_path], &[marketstore_proto_dir.path()], )?; } tonic_build::configure() .build_server(false) .build_client(false) .type_attribute(".", "#[derive(serde::Deserialize)]") .serda_rename( "Candle", vec!["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "epoch"], change_case::title_case, ) .out_dir(&"examples/ohlcv/candle") .include_file("") .compile(&["examples/candle.proto"], &["examples/"])?; tonic_build::configure() .build_server(false) .build_client(false) .type_attribute(".", "#[derive(serde::Deserialize)]") .serda_rename( "Candle", vec!["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "epoch"], change_case::title_case, ) .out_dir(&"examples/stream/candle") .include_file("") .compile(&["examples/candle.proto"], &["examples/"]) }