title: Markdown Formatting Options
date: 2024-10-17 12:00:01
slug: markdown-format
description: The content on Marmite accepts any valid CommonMark or Github Flavoured markdown and some GFM extensions.
tags: docs, markdown, Common Mark, GFM
authors: rochacbruno,karlamagueta,john
math: true
mermaid: true
mermaid_theme: default
## Common Markdown
The content on Marmite accepts any valid `CommonMark` or **Github** _Flavoured_ markdown
and some `GFM` extensions, Marmite also does post processing of HTML to support features such as
back-links and Obsidian links.
### Paragraphs and formatting
Simple paragraph and usual formatting like **bold**, __underline__, *italic*
and also all sorts of formatting elements, as follows.
**bold**, __underline__, *italic*
### Strike-through
The following is ~~no more~~.
The following is ~~no more~~.
### Table
| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| List | Here's a list!
| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| List | Here's a list! |
### Footnotes
Here is a simple footnote[^1]. With some[^2] additional text after it.
A reference[1] can also be used to just create a link hidden from footnotes.
Here is a simple footnote[^1]. With some[^2] additional text after it.
A reference[1] can also be used to just create a link hidden from footnotes.
And on the end of the file:
[^1]: My footnote.
[^2]: Another footnote.
[1]: "Hobbit lifestyles"
> [!TIP]
> Add global references to the `_references.md` file to reuse on any content.
### Block quote
>Not a quote
> quote
> > > Nested quote
>Not a quote
> quote
> > > Nested quote
Multiline quote
"Marmite is the easiest SSG" created by
Bruno Rocha with the contribution of various people.
"Marmite is the easiest SSG" created by
Bruno Rocha with the contribution of various people.
Multi paragraph quote
> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.
> The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with
> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.
> The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with
Rich quotes
> **The quarterly results look great!**
> - Revenue was off the chart.
> - Profits were higher than ever.
> *Everything* is going according to **plan**.
> **The quarterly results look great!**
> - Revenue was off the chart.
> - Profits were higher than ever.
> *Everything* is going according to **plan**.
### Underline
### Code
import antigravity
def main():
print("Python is a great language")
fn main() {
println!("Marmite is made with Rust!");
import antigravity
def main():
print("Python is a great language")
fn main() {
println!("Marmite is made with Rust!");
### lists
- lists
- sub item
- images
* other
- tables
- Formatting
- lists
- sub item
- images
* other
- tables
- Formatting
1. First item
1. Second item
- Indented unordered item
- Indented unordered item
1. Third item
1. Indented ordered item
1. Indented ordered item
1. Fourth item
1. First item
1. Second item
- Indented unordered item
- Indented unordered item
1. Third item
1. Indented ordered item
1. Indented ordered item
1. Fourth item
Starting lists with numbers requires a `number\`
- 1983\. A great year!
- I think 1984 was second best.
- 1983\. A great year!
- I think 1984 was second best.
### Images
Same but containing a tooltip if you hover the mouse on
![Photo](media/marmite.jpg "A jar of Marmite")
Same but containing a tooltip if you hover the mouse on
![Photo](media/marmite.jpg "A jar of Marmite")
## Creating Links
### Regular link
[A link with a tooltip](https://pudim.com.br "A picture of a pudim")
[A link with a tooltip](https://pudim.com.br "A picture of a pudim")
### Auto-link
### Wikilinks
Wikilinks allows to link using `[[name|url]]` syntax.
[[Read the Tutorial|getting-started]] and [[Read the Tutorial|getting-started.md]] and [[Read the Tutorial|getting-started.html]]
Anchors also supported [[FAQ|about#faq]]
It also resolve anchors like [[Wikilinks|#wikilinks]]
and internal content by title like
[[MD Wikilinks|Markdown Format#Wikilinks]] or [[MD Format|Markdown Format]]
[[Read the Tutorial|getting-started]] and [[Read the Tutorial|getting-started.md]] and [[Read the Tutorial|getting-started.html]]
It also resolve anchors like [[Wikilinks|#wikilinks]]
and internal content by title like
[[MD Wikilinks|Markdown Format#Wikilinks]] or [[MD Format|Markdown Format]]
### Obsidian Links
Obsidian links are made using `[[page-slug]]` or `[[page-slug.md]]`
[[about]] and [[about.md]] and [[about.html]] should point both to the about page.
Anchors also supported [[about#faq]]
It also resolve anchors like [[#Obsidian Links]]
and internal content by title like
[[Markdown Format#Obsidian Links]] or [[Markdown Format]]
[[about]] and [[about.md]] and [[about.html]] should point both to the about page.
Anchors also supported [[about#faq]]
It also resolve anchors like [[#Obsidian Links]]
and internal content by title like
[[Markdown Format#Obsidian Links]] or [[Markdown Format]]
### Back-links
Every time you link to another page or post
using the backreference like `{slug}`, `{slug}.md` or `{slug}.html`
**marmite** will track the backlinking and show
a list of pages that links to each other.
In any case the `hello.html` page will have a this page
on its list of back-links:
## Extensions
### Task
- [x] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
- [x] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
### Emoji
:smile: - :crab: - :snake:
:smile: - :crab: - :snake:
### Description lists
First term
: Details for the **first term**
Second term
: Details for the **second term**
: More details in second paragraph.
First term
: Details for the **first term**
Second term
: Details for the **second term**
: More details in second paragraph.
### Spoiler
This is ||secret||
This is ||secret||
### Math
> Depends on `extra: {"math": true}` defined on frontmatter, then **MathJax** is loaded.
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \\(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
Inline math $1 + 2$ and display math $$x + y$$
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \\(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
Inline math $1 + 2$ and display math $$x + y$$
### Diagrams
> Depends on `extra: {"mermaid": true}` defined on frontmatter, then **MermaidJS** is loaded.
> `mermaid_theme` is also configurable with values `forest`,`neutral`,`dark`,`forest`,`base`,`default`
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob-->>John: How about you John?
Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long long time, so long that the text does not fit on a row.
Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?
graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
title "Sales Revenue"
x-axis [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]
y-axis "Revenue (in $)" 4000 --> 11000
bar [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
line [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85
"Rats" : 15
title History of marmite
2024-10-13 : Created
2024-10-14 : First Release
: First Contribution
2024-10-20 : Big refactor
2024-10-22 : Diagram support
Click to see the raw mermaid
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob-->>John: How about you John?
Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long long time, so long that the text does not fit on a row.
Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?
graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
title "Sales Revenue"
x-axis [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]
y-axis "Revenue (in $)" 4000 --> 11000
bar [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
line [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85
"Rats" : 15
title History of marmite
2024-10-13 : Created
2024-10-14 : First Release
: First Contribution
2024-10-20 : Big refactor
2024-10-22 : Diagram support
> All **raw** html is allowed
### Superscript
### Embed
Just use raw HTML for now, in future we may have a shorcode.
### Pico CSS components
The default embedded template uses [picocss](https://picocss.com) so it is possible to write raw HTML like this:
#### FAQ
Why is it named Marmite?
The creator of this project was looking for some cool name
to use for a **mark**down related project.
Then while having bread with Marmite spread for breakfast
it looked like a good idea!
Why Rust?
**Why not?**
Why is it named Marmite?
The ...
Why Rust?
**Why not?**
### Symbols
Copyright (©) — ©
Registered trademark (®) — ®
Trademark (™) — ™
Euro (€) — €
Left arrow (←) — ←
Up arrow (↑) — ↑
Right arrow (→) — →
Down arrow (↓) — ↓
Degree (°) — °
Pi (π) — π
This is a ©left material.
This is a ©left material.
[^1]: My footnote.
[^2]: Another footnote.
[1]: "Hobbit lifestyles"