check: cargo fmt -- --check cargo clippy pedantic: cargo fmt -- --check cargo clippy -- -W clippy::pedantic fmt: cargo fmt fix: cargo clippy --fix pedantic_fix: cargo clippy --fix -- -W clippy::pedantic watch: cargo watch -c -q -x "run example ../site_example -vvvv" [doc('Bump version in Cargo.toml')] [group('maintainer')] bumpversion TAG: #!/usr/bin/env bash cargo set-version --version || cargo install -y cargo-edit@0.13.0 cargo set-version --package marmite --locked "{{ TAG }}" cargo generate-lockfile just fmt git add ./Cargo.toml ./Cargo.lock git commit -m "chore: bump version to {{ TAG }}" [doc('Push a new tag to the repository')] [group('maintainer')] pushtag TAG: #!/usr/bin/env bash git tag -a "{{ TAG }}" -m "chore: push {{ TAG }}" git push --tags [doc('Publish a new version (bumpversion + pushtag)')] [group('maintainer')] publish TAG: just bumpversion {{ TAG }} just pushtag {{ TAG }}