use mars_raw_utils::{ constants, print, vprintln, path, util }; use sciimg::rgbimage; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; use clap::{Arg, App}; use std::process; fn process_file(input_file:&str, x:usize, y:usize, width:usize, height:usize) { let mut raw = rgbimage::RgbImage::open(&String::from(input_file)).unwrap(); if x >= raw.width { eprintln!("X parameter is out of bounds: {}. Must be between 0 and {}", x, raw.width - 1); process::exit(2); } if y >= raw.height { eprintln!("Y parameter is out of bounds: {}. Must be between 0 and {}", x, raw.height - 1); process::exit(2); } if width > raw.width - x { eprintln!("Specified width exceeds maximum allowable value"); process::exit(2); } if height > raw.height - y { eprintln!("Specified height exceeds maximum allowable value"); process::exit(2); } let out_file = util::append_file_name(input_file, "crop"); vprintln!("Cropping with x={}, y={}, width={}, height={}", x, y, width, height); raw.crop(x, y, width, height); vprintln!("Saving output to {}", out_file);; } fn main() { let matches = App::new(crate_name!()) .version(crate_version!()) .author(crate_authors!()) .arg(Arg::with_name(constants::param::PARAM_INPUTS) .short(constants::param::PARAM_INPUTS_SHORT) .long(constants::param::PARAM_INPUTS) .value_name("INPUT") .help("Input") .required(true) .multiple(true) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name(constants::param::PARAM_VERBOSE) .short(constants::param::PARAM_VERBOSE) .help("Show verbose output")) .arg(Arg::with_name("crop") .short("c") .long("crop") .value_name("WINDOW_SIZE") .help("Crop as x,y,width,height") .required(true) .takes_value(true)) .get_matches(); if matches.is_present(constants::param::PARAM_VERBOSE) { print::set_verbose(true); } // If, for some weird reason, clap misses the missing parameter... if ! matches.is_present(constants::param::PARAM_INPUTS) { println!("{}", matches.usage()); process::exit(1); } let crop_str = match matches.is_present("crop") { true => { matches.value_of("crop").unwrap() }, false => { eprintln!("Error: Missing crop parameter"); eprintln!("{}", matches.usage()); process::exit(1); } }; // let crop_numbers: Vec = crop_str.split(",") .map(|s| s.parse().expect("parse error")) .collect(); if crop_numbers.len() != 4 { eprintln!("Invalid number of crop parameters specified."); eprintln!("{}", matches.usage()); process::exit(1); } let x = crop_numbers[0]; let y = crop_numbers[1]; let width = crop_numbers[2]; let height = crop_numbers[3]; let input_files: Vec<&str> = matches.values_of(constants::param::PARAM_INPUTS).unwrap().collect(); for in_file in input_files.iter() { if path::file_exists(in_file) { vprintln!("Processing File: {}", in_file); process_file(in_file, x, y, width, height); } else { eprintln!("File not found: {}", in_file); } } }